drop table affy_sref; drop table analysis; drop table analysis_data; drop table anno_rsu_gene; drop table anno_rsu_trans; drop table biomaterial; drop table biomaterial_details; drop table cache; drop table david_rms; drop table case_summary; drop table case_version; drop table cases_summary; drop table ensembl_trans; drop table exon_coord; drop table exon_ensembl; drop table exon_coord_temp; drop table exon_coordinate; drop table expr; drop table expr_ensembl; drop table expr_exon; drop table expr_gene; drop table expr_gene_ensembl; drop table expr_trans; drop table gene_coexpr; drop table gene_ensembl; drop table gene_sref; drop table gene_surf; drop table landscape071520; drop table landscapev21; drop table landscapev23; drop table nb_mapping; drop table nbrnaseq; drop table os_var_tables2; drop table patient_details_bk; drop table patients_tmp; drop table project_values_gtex; drop table project_values_tcga; drop table refgene_coding; drop table refgene_seq; drop table rnaseq_gene_exprs; drop table sample_annotation; drop table sample_annotation_biomaterial; drop table sample_annotation_genotyping; drop table sample_annotation_hiseq; drop table sample_annotation_microarray; drop table sample_annotation_others; drop table sample_annotation_raw; drop table sample_annotation_solid; drop table sample_file; drop table sample_file_type; drop table sample_info; drop table sample_siva; drop table sample_solid; drop table sample_uuid; drop table samplelist_final_v23; drop table stjude; drop table str; drop table studies; drop table study_genes; drop table study_groups; drop table study_sample_list; drop table study_samples; drop table study_stat; drop table study_trans; drop table study_value; drop table survival; drop table target_nbl; drop table trans_coord_temp; drop table trans_coordinate; drop table trans_domain; drop table trans_old; drop table transcripts; drop table user_gene_list_bk; drop table users_bak; drop table var_actionable; drop table var_actionable_tmp; drop table var_anno; drop table var_annotation; drop table var_annotation_col; drop table var_annotation_col_test; drop table var_annotation_details; drop table var_annotation_details_old; drop table var_annotation_old; drop table var_annotation_samples; drop table var_avia_cols_old; drop table var_clinvar; drop table var_cosmic; drop table var_exome; drop table var_exonic; drop table var_fusion_details; drop table var_fusion_dtl; drop table var_fusion_dtl_public; drop table var_fusion_public; drop table var_gene; drop table var_hgmd; drop table var_icgc; drop table var_os_neo_onebased; drop table var_os_neo_to_validate; drop table var_os_to_validate; drop table var_patients; drop table var_patients_test; drop table var_qci_bk; drop table var_reported; drop table var_reported_mutations; drop table var_reported_sum; drop table var_sample_avia_bkup; drop table var_sample_detail; drop table var_sample_exacnontcga; drop table var_target; drop table var_webpage; drop table variants_annotation; drop table var_tier_avia_no_genie; drop table var_tier_avia_genie; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW CASES; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW FUSION_COUNT; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW PROCESSED_SAMPLE_CASES; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW PROJECT_CASES; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW PROJECT_DIAGNOSIS_GENE_TIER; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW PROJECT_GENE_TIER; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW PROJECT_MVIEW; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW PROJECT_PATIENT_SUMMARY; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW PROJECT_PATIENTS; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW PROJECT_PROCESSED_CASES; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW PROJECT_SAMPLE_SUMMARY; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW PROJECT_SAMPLES; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW SAMPLE_CASES; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW USER_PROJECTS; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW VAR_CASES; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW VAR_CNV_GENES; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW VAR_CNVKIT_GENES; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW VAR_COUNT; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW VAR_AA_COHORT_OC; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW VAR_DIAGNOSIS_AA_COHORT; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW VAR_DIAGNOSIS_GENE_COHORT; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW VAR_GENE_COHORT; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW VAR_GENE_TIER; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW VAR_GENES; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW VAR_TIER_AVIA_COUNT; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW VAR_TOP20; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW VAR_SAMPLE_AVIA_OC; drop materialized view analysis_data_view; drop materialized view VAR_EXACNONOTCGA; drop materialized view VAR_GENE_COHORT_ALL; drop materialized view VAR_SAMPLE_EXACNONTCGA; drop materialized view VAR_SAMPLE_KHANLAB; drop materialized view VAR_SAMPLE_TARGET_NBL; drop materialized view VAR_SAMPLE_AVIA; create table clinomics_fp_tbl as select * from clinomics_fp; drop materialized view clinomics_fp; rename clinomics_fp_tbl to clinomics_fp; CREATE INDEX "OS_ADMIN"."CLINOMICS_FP_IDX" ON "OS_ADMIN"."CLINOMICS_FP" ("TYPE", "TISSUE_CAT"); CREATE INDEX "OS_ADMIN"."CLINOMICS_FP_TYPE" ON "OS_ADMIN"."CLINOMICS_FP" ("TYPE"); create table rnaseq_fp_tbl as select * from rnaseq_fp; drop materialized view rnaseq_fp; rename rnaseq_fp_tbl to rnaseq_fp; CREATE INDEX "OS_ADMIN"."RNASEQ_FP_PK" ON "OS_ADMIN"."RNASEQ_FP" ("CHROMOSOME", "START_POS", "END_POS", "REF", "ALT");