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CIDRAM v1.24.1

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@Maikuolan Maikuolan released this 13 Mar 09:19
· 1394 commits to v3 since this release

Version/Release 1.24.1

  • [2023.02.24; Bug-fix; Maikuolan]: The cache handler's incEntry and decEntry methods weren't handling non-expiring values correctly when using flatfile caching; Fixed (#328).

  • [2023.02.28; Maikuolan]: Added verification support for Snapchat (#422). Added search engine verification support for Neeva.

  • [2023.02.28; Maikuolan]: Adjusted the eTaggable method, increasing expiries from 1 month to 6 months to further reduce superfluous requests for static files, and explicitly removing the Cache-Control header due to some implementations setting the Cache-Control header within their own code, prior to calling CIDRAM, thus preventing browsers from being able to properly cache CIDRAM's static assets (explicitly removing the header should ensure that static assets can be cached as expected).

  • [2023.03.01; Maikuolan]: Logs sort order now also affects the list of log files (#424).

  • [2023.03.06; Bug-fix; Maikuolan]: Type-casting bug discovered in the code for auxiliary rules direct string comparison condition matching; Fixed (#429).

  • [2023.03.06; Documentation; Maikuolan]: Due to changes implemented by GitHub in how it handles anchors in markdown files, a vast majority of the internal links within the documentation were broken, as well as most links within the L10N data which pointed to said documentation; Fixed.

  • [2023.03.09; Maikuolan]: The signature file fixer is now capable of detecting and removing extraneous spaces from signatures (#435).

  • [2023.03.09; Maikuolan]: When an auxiliary rule is triggered, show the actual rule name in the signature reference, not just the line number for where in the code the trigger can be found.

Caleb M (Maikuolan),
March 13, 2023.

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