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Parameterised Terraform modules to create a single compute engine HTTPS server, with an SSL cert, behind a Global HTTP(S) Load Balancer following GCP best practices:

  • gcp-apis - Enables the service
  • gcp-https-load-balancer - Creates a backend group, http health check and all the other moving parts for a Global HTTP(S) Load Balancer. Also provisions an SSL cert.
  • gcp-https-server-vm - Provisions a single Compute Engine VM with an ephemeral external IP address, and a distinct service account. Adds the VM to an unmanaged instance group.
  • gcp-iam - Creates the service account for the VM.
  • gcp-network - Creates a new network / subnet, and all the required firewall rules.

Example Usage

  • Modify CHANGEME.tfvars to suit requirements. Example:
project              = "my-gcp-project"
vm_name              = "server-1"
machine_type         = "e2-small"
region               = "europe-west1"
zone                 = "europe-west1-b"
network              = "my-custom-network"
subnet               = "eu-custom-subnet"
cidr_range           = ""
ip_name              = "blog-ipv4"
service_account_name = "server-1-vm"
domain               = ""

  • Run $ terraform init in project folder
  • Run $ terraform plan -var-file=CHANGEME.tfvars to see resources expected to be created in GCP project
  • Run $ terraform apply -var-file=CHANGEME.tfvars to provision resources
  • Create A record in DNS setting, pointing to the external IPv4 address output by Terraform


It sometimes seems to be necessary to manually enable the Compute Engine API in either the GCP console, or in gcloud with:

$ gcloud services enable

Once DNS settings have propagated, SSL cert may take a short while to complete provisioning. You can check the status of this in the gcloud with:

$ gcloud compute ssl-certificates describe CERTIFICATE_NAME --format="get(managed.domainStatus)

Uncomment line 21 in ./tf-modules/gcp-https-server-vm/ to point to a local bash script for the VM to run at startup, to install any required packages. The provided example installs the Cloud Monitoring Agent and nginx.








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