## Functions to add text You can use the `a` command to keep appending lines after the current line until you type a line consisting of just a period ("."). You can use the `c` command to keep typing lines to replace the current line until you type a line consisting of just a period ("."). You can use the `i` command to keep inserting lines before the current line until you type a line consisting of just a period ("."). Sometimes you just want to append, type, or insert a single line. You can use the `a`, `c`, and `i` functions to append or insert the text that you type after the function name. The functions add text until you type a line that does not end with a backslash ("\"). # Append text after the current line. # usage: # End the line of text with a backslash ("\") to add another line. function+a { db0 a ~0 . s/\\$//f while(*) { r !IFS=""; read -r line; echo "$line" s/\\$//f } } # change (replace) the text of the current line. # usage: # End the line of text with a backslash ("\") to add another line. function+c { db0 c ~0 . s/\\$//f while(*) { r !IFS=""; read -r line; echo "$line" s/\\$//f } } # Insert text before the current line. # usage: # End the line of text with a backslash ("\") to add another line. function+i { db0 i ~0 . s/\\$//f while(*) { r !IFS=""; read -r line; echo "$line" s/\\$//f } } ## Function to edit the current line with Readline You can use this simple function to edit the text of the current line with Readline. # Edit the current line with Readline. # usage: