Write a program that extracts the names of all the cities in the database (one city per entry)
Hints each city is reported several times: we need a way to remove duplicates. For example, we could use a
. We will need to read acsv
file: this task is easier if you import thecsv
import csv cities = an empty set open data for reading create dictionary reader for each row in the file add the city to the set
Write a program that creates a dictionary where the keys are the cities, and the values are the number of records (rows) for that city in the data.
Hints now we need to keep track of the number of occurrences for each city. A good data structure for this task is a
in which cities are thekeys
and thevalues
store the number of occurrences. Note that each time you see a new city, you need to add it to the dictionary. To do this, you can use the methodget
for dictionaries, which allows you to initialize a default value for a key that is not already present in the dictionary. For example, the code:dd = {} # empty dictionary my_list = ['a', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'd', 'b', 'a'] for element in my_list: dd[element] = dd.get(element, 0) + 1
{'a': 3, 'b': 2, 'c': 1, 'd': 1}
import csv library citycount = an empty dictionary open file for reading set up dictionary reader for each line in data my_city = extract the city citycount[my_city] = use get to update value
Write a program that calculates the mean population for each city, obtained by averaging the value of pop.
Hints to compute the mean, keep summing the population for the city, and at the end divide by the number of records. A good data structure for this problem would be a dicitionary in which cities are
, and the total population and the number of occurrences are stored in a list.Pseudocode:
import csv citypop = an empty dictionary open data file reading set up dictionary reader for each line in data my_city = extract the city my_pop = extract population if this is the first time you see this city, initialize: citypop[my_city] = [0.0, 0] citypop[my_city][0] = what it was before + my_pop citypop[my_city][1] = what it was before + 1 for each city divide the first element by the second to obtain the mean
Write a program that calculates the mean population for each city and year.
Hints while the task is similar to the exercise above, we need to build a more complex data structure. For each city and each year, we should find multiple records and we need to average the population for each year. A good data structure would be a
where each key is a city, and the value is anotherdictionary
where keys are years, and the values are a list storing the population for that year, and the number of occurrences.