This package lets you easily list CANedge CAN data log files. Simply specify the source (local disk or S3 server) and the start/stop period. The listed log files can then be used with other packages such as mdf_iter
and can_decoder
If you need to work with the CANedge data in Python, we now recommend to use the methods described in the below documentation:
The Python modules mdf-iter
, canedge-browser
and can-decoder
are now considered legacy. We instead refer to our new integration with python-can - and our examples of how to work with DBC decoded Parquet data lakes in Python using our MF4 decoders. For details see the links above.
1. Extract a subset of log files between a start/stop date & time
Use pip to install the canedge_browser
pip install canedge_browser
In the below example, we list log files between two dates from a MinIO S3 server:
import canedge_browser
import s3fs
from datetime import datetime, timezone
fs = s3fs.S3FileSystem(
"endpoint_url": "http://address.of.remote.s3.server:9000",
devices = ["<bucket>/23AD1AEA", "<bucket>/86373F4D"]
start = datetime(year=2020, month=8, day=4, hour=10, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
stop = datetime(year=2020, month=9, day=9, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
log_files = canedge_browser.get_log_files(fs, devices, start_date=start, stop_date=stop)
print("Found a total of {} log files".format(len(log_files)))
for log_file in log_files:
NOTE: All time inputs into the library must include a timezone. If in doubt, set this to UTC (+00:00).
If you need to connect to e.g. an AWS S3 server, simply use the relevant endpoint (e.g.
). Similarly, for MinIO servers, you would use the relevant endpoint (e.g.
To connect to a MinIO S3 server where TLS is enabled via a self-signed certificate, you can connect by adding the path to your public certificate in the verify
field in the setup_fs_s3
Note that all paths are relative to the root /
. For POSIX systems, this will likely follow the normal filesystem structure. Windows systems gets a slightly mangled syntax, such that C:\Some folder\a subfolder\the target file.MF4
becomes /C:/Some folder/a subfolder/the target file.MF4