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Releases: CameronCarroll/day


22 Jan 01:19
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  • Added editor based descriptions: Define your preferred EDITOR and it'll be captured in new_task arglist over a "()"-style description.
  • Times in certain places are converted to be more appropriate (34 seconds instead of .56 minutes, or 2 hours 34 minues, etc.)
  • Colorization added on index key and task names in printout.


31 Dec 18:03
Choose a tag to compare

Main changes:

  • Fixed double constant declaration.
  • Fixed program having NO output at all when no tasks are in the list.
  • (Also some internal buildtool upgrades.)

Release 1, v1.8, "Ferocious Poodle"

28 Dec 09:51
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First actual release for day.rb, a to-do and timetracking command-line application.

Synposis: Quickly create and describe tasks from the command line, and optionally track fulfillment time against your estimates.

Main features (corresponding to v1.8):

  • One-file 'binary' for easy distribution and installation.
  • Improved options parsing (Can be in any order now when creating a new task.)
  • Extended clear and info commands.

Check out for a detailed summary.
User-guide updates to come soon.

Happy holidays!