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Shmarks is a social bookmarking app that allows users to email, manage and share bookmarked URLs. Using the mailgun API, users can send an email to a specific address to have a data be created and categorized.

The app is deployed on Heroku:

The source code is here on GitHub:


  • Users can create a standard account in order to create, edit, and collaborate on public topics which have a list of bookmarks. Anyone can add a bookmark to a particular topic.

  • To use Shmarks functionality, you simply need to send an email to

    • Important Details are as follows:
      • Your email: Shmarks will search for your email it its database. If you are not yet a user, Blocmarks will create an account with your email with the default password Blocmarks2016 (remember to change it when you log in!)
      • Email Subject: Shmarks will search its database for a topic with the same name. If no such topic exists, it will create a new topic with whatever you typed into the subject.
      • Email Body: Shmarks will create a new bookmark with the data within. Please ensure that you use proper urls, or Blocmarks will just place a string under the topic, and no image will be generated.
  • Users can like bookmarks, with a list of their created and liked bookmarks on their user profile page.

Setup and Configuration

Languages and Frameworks: Ruby on Rails and Bootstrap

Ruby version 2.3.0p0

Rails version 4.2.5

Databases: SQLite (Test, Development), PostgreSQL (Production)

Development Tools and Gems include:

  • Devise for user authentication
  • SendGrid for email confirmation
  • Mailgun for email confirmation and API
  • Faker and Factory Girl for test suite success
  • Pundit for authorization
  • HAML for some markup
  • Gravatar for user icon


  • Environment variables were set using Figaro and are stored in config/application.yml (ignored by git).

  • The config/application.example.yml file illustrates how environment variables should be stored.

To run Shamrks locally:

  • Clone the repository
  • Run bundle install
  • Create and migrate the SQLite database with rake db:create and rake db:migrate
  • Start the server using rails server
  • Run the app on localhost:3000


An application that allows a user to bookmark URLs via email, peruse other user's bookmarks and maintain a personal index of categorized bookmarks.






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