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A platform to create and administer experiments.

Documentation available here


You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.

Prepare JamDB instance

Experimenter is designed to talk to a JamDB server for all data storage. In most cases you will be provided a remote staging server for development purposes, but for advanced development, these setup scripts can help define a basic skeleton for your project.


  • git clone <repository-url> this repository
  • change into the new directory
  • yarn install --pure-lockfile
  • bower install

To use the video capture facilities of Experimenter, you will also need to place the file VideoRecorder.swf in your <project_name>/public/ folder. This file is not part of the git repository; it is from the HDFVR flash video recorder and must be obtained from a team member with access to the licensed version. They can also provide the necessary configuration to talk to a valid and licensed streaming media server (eg Wowza); see below.

Install submodule dependencies

cd lib
git submodule init
git submodule update

Addons development

The exp-player and exp-models addons live in the lib directory. This is Ember's conventional place for putting in-repo-addons (see package.json also). If you need to develop on either of the exp-* addons, simply do your work in the submodule directory (lib/exp-) and when you're ready commit and push the changes like usual.

Running / Development

To login via OSF:

  • create .env file in top directory
  • in .env file include:
OSF_CLIENT_ID="\<client ID for staging account\>"



  • Makes the experimenter namespace in jamdb.
  • Creates an admins collection under the experimenter namespace.
  • Configures jamdb to use the schemas from schemas/*.json to validate records in the corresponding collections.
  • Sets up permissions as defined in dev/
  • Populates the appropriate collections with the sample data in dev/data. See dev/data/admins.json for example logins; use:


Adding dependencies on other packages

Sometimes, you will want to install an additional third-party package. In place of npm, this project uses yarn. Most of the commands are the same, but this alternative tool provides a way for two developers to guarantee they are using the same versions of underlying code. (by running yarn install --pure-lockfile) This can help avoid a situation where things break unexpectedly when run on a different computer.

Whenever you choose to update your dependencies (yarn add x or yarn install), make sure that code still runs, then be sure to commit the modified yarn.lock file, which represents the "current known working state" for your app.

Code Generators

Make use of the many generators for code, try ember help generate for more details

Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build (development)
  • ember build --environment production (production)


Specify what it takes to deploy your app.

Further Reading / Useful Links

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