{"payload":{"feedbackUrl":"https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/53140","repo":{"id":723868144,"defaultBranch":"develop","name":"stellar-plus","ownerLogin":"CheesecakeLabs","currentUserCanPush":false,"isFork":false,"isEmpty":false,"createdAt":"2023-11-26T23:37:12.000Z","ownerAvatar":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/7116469?v=4","public":true,"private":false,"isOrgOwned":true},"refInfo":{"name":"","listCacheKey":"v0:1721769799.0","currentOid":""},"activityList":{"items":[{"before":"6f7b57a3fad64b86171928e76d32a6f955a0a99b","after":"68f46edff9867d24a3b776cd225d03c0441e8b16","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2024-07-23T21:20:29.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"fazzatti","name":"Fifo (Fabricius Zatti)","path":"/fazzatti","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/62725221?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Feat: add handling for double sac wrapping (#162)\n\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* Minor fixes (#141)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract output\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.2\r\n\r\n* feat: Implement verbose output for transactions pipelines (#147)\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for classic pipeline\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for soroban pipeline\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.9.0\r\n\r\n* Feat integration tests (#150)\r\n\r\n* feat: Implement verbose output for transactions pipelines (#148)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* Update stellar sdk (#139)\r\n\r\n* Release v0.8.0 (#136)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* chore: update stellar sdk\r\n\r\n* feat: add function to return secret key to default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: default account handler getters\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.8.1\r\n\r\n* Minor fixes (#141)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract output\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.2\r\n\r\n* Contract engine improvements (#144)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* version 0.8.2 (#142)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* Update stellar sdk (#139)\r\n\r\n* Release v0.8.0 (#136)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* chore: update stellar sdk\r\n\r\n* feat: add function to return secret key to default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: default account handler getters\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.8.1\r\n\r\n* Minor fixes (#141)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract output\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.2\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* Documentation (#143)\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-34: No subject\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-35: update issuing your first asset tutorial\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-36: update CD tutorial\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-37: update profiler plugin\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-38: Remove soroban token duplicate link\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-39: update soroban token handler\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-40: Improve Validation Cloud RPC page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-41: Improve the Welcome Page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-42: Improve Quick Start page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-45: Soroban Auth Pipeline\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-47: update general doc\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* feat: remove spec requirement to instantiate contract engine\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to spec requirement\r\n\r\n* feat: export stellar-sdk contract spec\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.3\r\n\r\n* fix: soroban auth simulation fails if partial auth entries are present\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.4\r\n\r\n* feat: Implement verbose output for transactions pipelines (#147)\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for classic pipeline\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for soroban pipeline\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.9.0\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* test: configure different test types\r\n\r\n* feat: add test ledger\r\n\r\n* test: add account management integration tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add regex utils\r\n\r\n* test: move integration tests\r\n\r\n* test: add example smart contract hello world\r\n\r\n* test: add load wasm util\r\n\r\n* test: add integration test for hello world\r\n\r\n* test: add simple tx invocation helper\r\n\r\n* style: remove unused imports\r\n\r\n* test: add classic asset management integration test\r\n\r\n* ci: update coverage check to include integration plus unit\r\n\r\n* test: add util to derivate feebump header from tx invocation\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract with channel accounts handle not having signers\r\n\r\n* test: add channel accounts plugin integration tests\r\n\r\n* test: adjust plugin imports for coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust plugins exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to debug plugin\r\n\r\n* test: add profiler plugin integration tests\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused mocks\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme with testing section\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* build(deps-dev): bump axios from 0.21.4 to 1.7.2\r\n\r\nBumps [axios](https://github.com/axios/axios) from 0.21.4 to 1.7.2.\r\n- [Release notes](https://github.com/axios/axios/releases)\r\n- [Changelog](https://github.com/axios/axios/blob/v1.x/CHANGELOG.md)\r\n- [Commits](https://github.com/axios/axios/compare/v0.21.4...v1.7.2)\r\n\r\n---\r\nupdated-dependencies:\r\n- dependency-name: axios\r\n dependency-type: indirect\r\n...\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: dependabot[bot] \r\n\r\n* Bundle v0.10.0 (#157)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* Update stellar sdk (#139)\r\n\r\n* Release v0.8.0 (#136)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* chore: update stellar sdk\r\n\r\n* feat: add function to return secret key to default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: default account handler getters\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.8.1\r\n\r\n* Minor fixes (#141)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract output\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.2\r\n\r\n* Contract engine improvements (#144)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* version 0.8.2 (#142)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* Update stellar sdk (#139)\r\n\r\n* Release v0.8.0 (#136)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* chore: update stellar sdk\r\n\r\n* feat: add function to return secret key to default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: default account handler getters\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.8.1\r\n\r\n* Minor fixes (#141)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract output\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.2\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* Documentation (#143)\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-34: No subject\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-35: update issuing your first asset tutorial\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-36: update CD tutorial\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-37: update profiler plugin\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-38: Remove soroban token duplicate link\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-39: update soroban token handler\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-40: Improve Validation Cloud RPC page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-41: Improve the Welcome Page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-42: Improve Quick Start page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-45: Soroban Auth Pipeline\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-47: update general doc\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* feat: remove spec requirement to instantiate contract engine\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to spec requirement\r\n\r\n* feat: export stellar-sdk contract spec\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.3\r\n\r\n* fix: soroban auth simulation fails if partial auth entries are present\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.4\r\n\r\n* feat: Implement verbose output for transactions pipelines (#147)\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for classic pipeline\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for soroban pipeline\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.9.0\r\n\r\n* build(deps-dev): bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3\r\n\r\nBumps [braces](https://github.com/micromatch/braces) from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3.\r\n- [Changelog](https://github.com/micromatch/braces/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\r\n- [Commits](https://github.com/micromatch/braces/compare/3.0.2...3.0.3)\r\n\r\n---\r\nupdated-dependencies:\r\n- dependency-name: braces\r\n dependency-type: indirect\r\n...\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: dependabot[bot] \r\n\r\n* Feat integration tests (#150)\r\n\r\n* feat: Implement verbose output for transactions pipelines (#148)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* Update stellar sdk (#139)\r\n\r\n* Release v0.8.0 (#136)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test:โ€ฆ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Feat: add handling for double sac wrapping (#162)"}},{"before":"fa0b5790ff58d51316c159db6251872b72b5c9a3","after":"e41d1450f9208dff803e1ed0f1c280c336ba0fa7","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-07-23T21:14:05.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"fazzatti","name":"Fifo (Fabricius Zatti)","path":"/fazzatti","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/62725221?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"feat: add handling of wrapped contract to contract engine (#161)\n\nchore: bump version to 0.10.2\r\n\r\nchore: update package lock","shortMessageHtmlLink":"feat: add handling of wrapped contract to contract engine (#161)"}},{"before":"fb74ee63df1a2e44da90649d6fc67e180d9eec13","after":null,"ref":"refs/heads/feat-handle-double-wrapping","pushedAt":"2024-07-23T21:06:27.000Z","pushType":"branch_deletion","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"fazzatti","name":"Fifo (Fabricius 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dependabot/npm_and_yarn/multi-6f39f196ad"}},{"before":"4a6bbc5329419b1d0078db4bd6c918b7adbe7916","after":null,"ref":"refs/heads/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/multi-129f80000b","pushedAt":"2024-07-09T20:23:30.000Z","pushType":"branch_deletion","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"fazzatti","name":"Fifo (Fabricius Zatti)","path":"/fazzatti","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/62725221?s=80&v=4"}},{"before":"3c7ca39d8809b698820b6621b034efb93f03dd73","after":"02b6c123308880cad7392724adad6009a5a155e4","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-07-09T20:23:28.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"fazzatti","name":"Fifo (Fabricius Zatti)","path":"/fazzatti","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/62725221?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"build(deps): bump socket.io and @hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling (#158)\n\nDependabot couldn't find the original pull request head commit, 0825ad78436fa498982933f99aac21eb36ef91d1.\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>","shortMessageHtmlLink":"build(deps): bump socket.io and @hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling (#158)"}},{"before":"df6340aaebf604d957bbf76ca22adf2cbb192e28","after":"6f7b57a3fad64b86171928e76d32a6f955a0a99b","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2024-07-09T19:57:21.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"fazzatti","name":"Fifo (Fabricius Zatti)","path":"/fazzatti","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/62725221?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Fix: hyperledger import for stellar test ledger (#159)\n\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* Minor fixes (#141)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract output\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.2\r\n\r\n* feat: Implement verbose output for transactions pipelines (#147)\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for classic pipeline\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for soroban pipeline\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.9.0\r\n\r\n* Feat integration tests (#150)\r\n\r\n* feat: Implement verbose output for transactions pipelines (#148)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* Update stellar sdk (#139)\r\n\r\n* Release v0.8.0 (#136)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* chore: update stellar sdk\r\n\r\n* feat: add function to return secret key to default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: default account handler getters\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.8.1\r\n\r\n* Minor fixes (#141)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract output\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.2\r\n\r\n* Contract engine improvements (#144)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* version 0.8.2 (#142)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* Update stellar sdk (#139)\r\n\r\n* Release v0.8.0 (#136)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* chore: update stellar sdk\r\n\r\n* feat: add function to return secret key to default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: default account handler getters\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.8.1\r\n\r\n* Minor fixes (#141)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract output\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.2\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* Documentation (#143)\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-34: No subject\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-35: update issuing your first asset tutorial\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-36: update CD tutorial\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-37: update profiler plugin\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-38: Remove soroban token duplicate link\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-39: update soroban token handler\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-40: Improve Validation Cloud RPC page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-41: Improve the Welcome Page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-42: Improve Quick Start page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-45: Soroban Auth Pipeline\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-47: update general doc\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* feat: remove spec requirement to instantiate contract engine\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to spec requirement\r\n\r\n* feat: export stellar-sdk contract spec\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.3\r\n\r\n* fix: soroban auth simulation fails if partial auth entries are present\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.4\r\n\r\n* feat: Implement verbose output for transactions pipelines (#147)\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for classic pipeline\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for soroban pipeline\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.9.0\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* test: configure different test types\r\n\r\n* feat: add test ledger\r\n\r\n* test: add account management integration tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add regex utils\r\n\r\n* test: move integration tests\r\n\r\n* test: add example smart contract hello world\r\n\r\n* test: add load wasm util\r\n\r\n* test: add integration test for hello world\r\n\r\n* test: add simple tx invocation helper\r\n\r\n* style: remove unused imports\r\n\r\n* test: add classic asset management integration test\r\n\r\n* ci: update coverage check to include integration plus unit\r\n\r\n* test: add util to derivate feebump header from tx invocation\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract with channel accounts handle not having signers\r\n\r\n* test: add channel accounts plugin integration tests\r\n\r\n* test: adjust plugin imports for coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust plugins exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to debug plugin\r\n\r\n* test: add profiler plugin integration tests\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused mocks\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme with testing section\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* build(deps-dev): bump axios from 0.21.4 to 1.7.2\r\n\r\nBumps [axios](https://github.com/axios/axios) from 0.21.4 to 1.7.2.\r\n- [Release notes](https://github.com/axios/axios/releases)\r\n- [Changelog](https://github.com/axios/axios/blob/v1.x/CHANGELOG.md)\r\n- [Commits](https://github.com/axios/axios/compare/v0.21.4...v1.7.2)\r\n\r\n---\r\nupdated-dependencies:\r\n- dependency-name: axios\r\n dependency-type: indirect\r\n...\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: dependabot[bot] \r\n\r\n* fix: hyperledger import for test ledger\r\n\r\n* Bundle v0.10.0 (#157)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* Update stellar sdk (#139)\r\n\r\n* Release v0.8.0 (#136)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* chore: update stellar sdk\r\n\r\n* feat: add function to return secret key to default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: default account handler getters\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.8.1\r\n\r\n* Minor fixes (#141)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract output\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.2\r\n\r\n* Contract engine improvements (#144)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* version 0.8.2 (#142)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* Update stellar sdk (#139)\r\n\r\n* Release v0.8.0 (#136)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* chore: update stellar sdk\r\n\r\n* feat: add function to return secret key to default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: default account handler getters\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.8.1\r\n\r\n* Minor fixes (#141)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract output\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.2\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* Documentation (#143)\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-34: No subject\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-35: update issuing your first asset tutorial\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-36: update CD tutorial\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-37: update profiler plugin\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-38: Remove soroban token duplicate link\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-39: update soroban token handler\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-40: Improve Validation Cloud RPC page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-41: Improve the Welcome Page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-42: Improve Quick Start page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-45: Soroban Auth Pipeline\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-47: update general doc\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* feat: remove spec requirement to instantiate contract engine\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to spec requirement\r\n\r\n* feat: export stellar-sdk contract spec\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.3\r\n\r\n* fix: soroban auth simulation fails if partial auth entries are present\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.4\r\n\r\n* feat: Implement verbose output for transactions pipelines (#147)\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for classic pipeline\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for soroban pipeline\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.9.0\r\n\r\n* build(deps-dev): bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3\r\n\r\nBumps [braces](https://github.com/micromatch/braces) from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3.\r\n- [Changelog](https://github.com/micromatch/braces/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\r\n- [Commits](https://github.com/micromatch/braces/compare/3.0.2...3.0.3)\r\n\r\n---\r\nupdated-dependencies:\r\n- dependency-name: braces\r\n dependency-type: indirect\r\n...\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: dependabot[bot] \r\n\r\n* Feat integration tests (#150)\r\n\r\n* feat: Implement verbose output for transactions pipelines (#148)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* Update stellar sdk (#139)\r\n\r\n* Release v0.8.0 (#136)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: adโ€ฆ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Fix: hyperledger import for stellar test ledger (#159)"}},{"before":"0825ad78436fa498982933f99aac21eb36ef91d1","after":"4a6bbc5329419b1d0078db4bd6c918b7adbe7916","ref":"refs/heads/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/multi-129f80000b","pushedAt":"2024-07-09T19:45:54.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"dependabot[bot]","name":null,"path":"/apps/dependabot","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/in/29110?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"build(deps): bump socket.io and @hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling\n\nDependabot couldn't find the original pull request head commit, 0825ad78436fa498982933f99aac21eb36ef91d1.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"build(deps): bump socket.io and @hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling"}},{"before":null,"after":"8de5751bc5254d629f6f484c624eb2c5fde56cf2","ref":"refs/heads/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/multi-6f39f196ad","pushedAt":"2024-07-09T19:45:46.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"dependabot[bot]","name":null,"path":"/apps/dependabot","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/in/29110?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"build(deps): bump engine.io and @hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling\n\nBumps [engine.io](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io) to 6.4.2 and updates ancestor dependency [@hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling](https://github.com/hyperledger/cactus). These dependencies need to be updated together.\n\n\nUpdates `engine.io` from 6.2.1 to 6.4.2\n- [Release notes](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/releases)\n- [Changelog](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/blob/6.4.2/CHANGELOG.md)\n- [Commits](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/6.2.1...6.4.2)\n\nUpdates `@hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling` from 2.0.0-rc.1 to 2.0.0-rc.2\n- [Release notes](https://github.com/hyperledger/cactus/releases)\n- [Changelog](https://github.com/hyperledger/cacti/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n- [Commits](https://github.com/hyperledger/cactus/compare/v2.0.0-rc.1...v2.0.0-rc.2)\n\n---\nupdated-dependencies:\n- dependency-name: engine.io\n dependency-type: indirect\n- dependency-name: \"@hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n...\n\nSigned-off-by: dependabot[bot] ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"build(deps): bump engine.io and @hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling"}},{"before":"b8c783640e23f2ba6445c942aab6a85ff07f307b","after":"3c7ca39d8809b698820b6621b034efb93f03dd73","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-07-09T19:45:01.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"fazzatti","name":"Fifo (Fabricius Zatti)","path":"/fazzatti","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/62725221?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"chore: bump v0.10.1","shortMessageHtmlLink":"chore: bump v0.10.1"}},{"before":"305fac7eadf4073cc6c9e8250075c0b50725de75","after":"b8c783640e23f2ba6445c942aab6a85ff07f307b","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-07-09T19:37:01.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"fazzatti","name":"Fifo (Fabricius Zatti)","path":"/fazzatti","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/62725221?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Bundle v0.10.0 (#157)\n\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* Update stellar sdk (#139)\r\n\r\n* Release v0.8.0 (#136)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* chore: update stellar sdk\r\n\r\n* feat: add function to return secret key to default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: default account handler getters\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.8.1\r\n\r\n* Minor fixes (#141)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract output\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.2\r\n\r\n* Contract engine improvements (#144)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* version 0.8.2 (#142)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* Update stellar sdk (#139)\r\n\r\n* Release v0.8.0 (#136)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* chore: update stellar sdk\r\n\r\n* feat: add function to return secret key to default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: default account handler getters\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.8.1\r\n\r\n* Minor fixes (#141)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract output\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.2\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* Documentation (#143)\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-34: No subject\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-35: update issuing your first asset tutorial\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-36: update CD tutorial\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-37: update profiler plugin\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-38: Remove soroban token duplicate link\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-39: update soroban token handler\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-40: Improve Validation Cloud RPC page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-41: Improve the Welcome Page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-42: Improve Quick Start page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-45: Soroban Auth Pipeline\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-47: update general doc\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* feat: remove spec requirement to instantiate contract engine\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to spec requirement\r\n\r\n* feat: export stellar-sdk contract spec\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.3\r\n\r\n* fix: soroban auth simulation fails if partial auth entries are present\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.4\r\n\r\n* feat: Implement verbose output for transactions pipelines (#147)\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for classic pipeline\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for soroban pipeline\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.9.0\r\n\r\n* build(deps-dev): bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3\r\n\r\nBumps [braces](https://github.com/micromatch/braces) from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3.\r\n- [Changelog](https://github.com/micromatch/braces/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\r\n- [Commits](https://github.com/micromatch/braces/compare/3.0.2...3.0.3)\r\n\r\n---\r\nupdated-dependencies:\r\n- dependency-name: braces\r\n dependency-type: indirect\r\n...\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: dependabot[bot] \r\n\r\n* Feat integration tests (#150)\r\n\r\n* feat: Implement verbose output for transactions pipelines (#148)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* Update stellar sdk (#139)\r\n\r\n* Release v0.8.0 (#136)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* chore: update stellar sdk\r\n\r\n* feat: add function to return secret key to default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: default account handler getters\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.8.1\r\n\r\n* Minor fixes (#141)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract output\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.2\r\n\r\n* Contract engine improvements (#144)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* version 0.8.2 (#142)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* Update stellar sdk (#139)\r\n\r\n* Release v0.8.0 (#136)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* chore: update stellar sdk\r\n\r\n* feat: add function to return secret key to default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: default account handler getters\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.8.1\r\n\r\n* Minor fixes (#141)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract output\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.2\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* Documentation (#143)\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-34: No subject\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-35: update issuing your first asset tutorial\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-36: update CD tutorial\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-37: update profiler plugin\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-38: Remove soroban token duplicate link\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-39: update soroban token handler\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-40: Improve Validation Cloud RPC page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-41: Improve the Welcome Page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-42: Improve Quick Start page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-45: Soroban Auth Pipeline\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-47: update general doc\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* feat: remove spec requirement to instantiate contract engine\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to spec requirement\r\n\r\n* feat: export stellar-sdk contract spec\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.3\r\n\r\n* fix: soroban auth simulation fails if partial auth entries are present\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.4\r\n\r\n* feat: Implement verbose output for transactions pipelines (#147)\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for classic pipeline\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for soroban pipeline\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.9.0\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* test: configure different test types\r\n\r\n* feat: add test ledger\r\n\r\n* test: add account management integration tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add regex utils\r\n\r\n* test: move integration tests\r\n\r\n* test: add example smart contract hello world\r\n\r\n* test: add load wasm util\r\n\r\n* test: add integration test for hello world\r\n\r\n* test: add simple tx invocation helper\r\n\r\n* style: remove unused imports\r\n\r\n* test: add classic asset management integration test\r\n\r\n* ci: update coverage check to include integration plus unit\r\n\r\n* test: add util to derivate feebump header from tx invocation\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract with channel accounts handle not having signers\r\n\r\n* test: add channel accounts plugin integration tests\r\n\r\n* test: adjust plugin imports for coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust plugins exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to debug plugin\r\n\r\n* test: add profiler plugin integration tests\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused mocks\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme with testing section\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* build(deps-dev): bump axios from 0.21.4 to 1.7.2\r\n\r\nBumps [axios](https://github.com/axios/axios) from 0.21.4 to 1.7.2.\r\n- [Release notes](https://github.com/axios/axios/releases)\r\n- [Changelog](https://github.com/axios/axios/blob/v1.x/CHANGELOG.md)\r\n- [Commits](https://github.com/axios/axios/compare/v0.21.4...v1.7.2)\r\n\r\n---\r\nupdated-dependencies:\r\n- dependency-name: axios\r\n dependency-type: indirect\r\n...\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: dependabot[bot] \r\n\r\n* Feat: unit conversion (#153)\r\n\r\n* feat: add unit conversion utils\r\n\r\n* test: add unit conversion unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add balance conversion with strings\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to balance conversion with strings\r\n\r\n* docs: improve ts-docs for unit conversion\r\n\r\n* Feat verify signature (#156)\r\n\r\n* feat: add signData feature to default account handler\r\n\r\n* feat: add verifySignature feature to base account handler\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to signData\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to verifySignature\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to v0.10.0\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: dependabot[bot] \r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\nCo-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Bundle v0.10.0 (#157)"}},{"before":"5d6d7581fe1707824ce53abf1d1e040e8e33a2e3","after":"305fac7eadf4073cc6c9e8250075c0b50725de75","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-07-09T19:34:07.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"fazzatti","name":"Fifo (Fabricius Zatti)","path":"/fazzatti","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/62725221?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Bundle v0.10.0 (#157)\n\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* Update stellar sdk (#139)\r\n\r\n* Release v0.8.0 (#136)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* chore: update stellar sdk\r\n\r\n* feat: add function to return secret key to default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: default account handler getters\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.8.1\r\n\r\n* Minor fixes (#141)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract output\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.2\r\n\r\n* Contract engine improvements (#144)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* version 0.8.2 (#142)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* Update stellar sdk (#139)\r\n\r\n* Release v0.8.0 (#136)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* chore: update stellar sdk\r\n\r\n* feat: add function to return secret key to default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: default account handler getters\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.8.1\r\n\r\n* Minor fixes (#141)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract output\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.2\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* Documentation (#143)\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-34: No subject\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-35: update issuing your first asset tutorial\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-36: update CD tutorial\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-37: update profiler plugin\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-38: Remove soroban token duplicate link\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-39: update soroban token handler\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-40: Improve Validation Cloud RPC page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-41: Improve the Welcome Page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-42: Improve Quick Start page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-45: Soroban Auth Pipeline\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-47: update general doc\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* feat: remove spec requirement to instantiate contract engine\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to spec requirement\r\n\r\n* feat: export stellar-sdk contract spec\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.3\r\n\r\n* fix: soroban auth simulation fails if partial auth entries are present\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.4\r\n\r\n* feat: Implement verbose output for transactions pipelines (#147)\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for classic pipeline\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for soroban pipeline\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.9.0\r\n\r\n* build(deps-dev): bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3\r\n\r\nBumps [braces](https://github.com/micromatch/braces) from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3.\r\n- [Changelog](https://github.com/micromatch/braces/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\r\n- [Commits](https://github.com/micromatch/braces/compare/3.0.2...3.0.3)\r\n\r\n---\r\nupdated-dependencies:\r\n- dependency-name: braces\r\n dependency-type: indirect\r\n...\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: dependabot[bot] \r\n\r\n* Feat integration tests (#150)\r\n\r\n* feat: Implement verbose output for transactions pipelines (#148)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* Update stellar sdk (#139)\r\n\r\n* Release v0.8.0 (#136)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* chore: update stellar sdk\r\n\r\n* feat: add function to return secret key to default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: default account handler getters\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.8.1\r\n\r\n* Minor fixes (#141)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract output\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.2\r\n\r\n* Contract engine improvements (#144)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* version 0.8.2 (#142)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* Update stellar sdk (#139)\r\n\r\n* Release v0.8.0 (#136)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* chore: update stellar sdk\r\n\r\n* feat: add function to return secret key to default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: default account handler getters\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.8.1\r\n\r\n* Minor fixes (#141)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract output\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.2\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* Documentation (#143)\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-34: No subject\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-35: update issuing your first asset tutorial\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-36: update CD tutorial\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-37: update profiler plugin\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-38: Remove soroban token duplicate link\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-39: update soroban token handler\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-40: Improve Validation Cloud RPC page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-41: Improve the Welcome Page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-42: Improve Quick Start page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-45: Soroban Auth Pipeline\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-47: update general doc\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* feat: remove spec requirement to instantiate contract engine\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to spec requirement\r\n\r\n* feat: export stellar-sdk contract spec\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.3\r\n\r\n* fix: soroban auth simulation fails if partial auth entries are present\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.4\r\n\r\n* feat: Implement verbose output for transactions pipelines (#147)\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for classic pipeline\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for soroban pipeline\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.9.0\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* test: configure different test types\r\n\r\n* feat: add test ledger\r\n\r\n* test: add account management integration tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add regex utils\r\n\r\n* test: move integration tests\r\n\r\n* test: add example smart contract hello world\r\n\r\n* test: add load wasm util\r\n\r\n* test: add integration test for hello world\r\n\r\n* test: add simple tx invocation helper\r\n\r\n* style: remove unused imports\r\n\r\n* test: add classic asset management integration test\r\n\r\n* ci: update coverage check to include integration plus unit\r\n\r\n* test: add util to derivate feebump header from tx invocation\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract with channel accounts handle not having signers\r\n\r\n* test: add channel accounts plugin integration tests\r\n\r\n* test: adjust plugin imports for coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust plugins exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to debug plugin\r\n\r\n* test: add profiler plugin integration tests\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused mocks\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme with testing section\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* build(deps-dev): bump axios from 0.21.4 to 1.7.2\r\n\r\nBumps [axios](https://github.com/axios/axios) from 0.21.4 to 1.7.2.\r\n- [Release notes](https://github.com/axios/axios/releases)\r\n- [Changelog](https://github.com/axios/axios/blob/v1.x/CHANGELOG.md)\r\n- [Commits](https://github.com/axios/axios/compare/v0.21.4...v1.7.2)\r\n\r\n---\r\nupdated-dependencies:\r\n- dependency-name: axios\r\n dependency-type: indirect\r\n...\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: dependabot[bot] \r\n\r\n* Feat: unit conversion (#153)\r\n\r\n* feat: add unit conversion utils\r\n\r\n* test: add unit conversion unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add balance conversion with strings\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to balance conversion with strings\r\n\r\n* docs: improve ts-docs for unit conversion\r\n\r\n* Feat verify signature (#156)\r\n\r\n* feat: add signData feature to default account handler\r\n\r\n* feat: add verifySignature feature to base account handler\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to signData\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to verifySignature\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to v0.10.0\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: dependabot[bot] \r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\nCo-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Bundle v0.10.0 (#157)"}},{"before":"a563fb80f46cd552f5928370e20bb58e838011d4","after":"0825ad78436fa498982933f99aac21eb36ef91d1","ref":"refs/heads/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/multi-129f80000b","pushedAt":"2024-07-09T19:04:42.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"dependabot[bot]","name":null,"path":"/apps/dependabot","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/in/29110?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"build(deps): bump socket.io and @hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling\n\nBumps [socket.io](https://github.com/socketio/socket.io) to 4.6.2 and updates ancestor dependency [@hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling](https://github.com/hyperledger/cactus). These dependencies need to be updated together.\n\n\nUpdates `socket.io` from 4.5.4 to 4.6.2\n- [Release notes](https://github.com/socketio/socket.io/releases)\n- [Changelog](https://github.com/socketio/socket.io/blob/4.6.2/CHANGELOG.md)\n- [Commits](https://github.com/socketio/socket.io/compare/4.5.4...4.6.2)\n\nUpdates `@hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling` from 2.0.0-rc.1 to 2.0.0-rc.2\n- [Release notes](https://github.com/hyperledger/cactus/releases)\n- [Changelog](https://github.com/hyperledger/cacti/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n- [Commits](https://github.com/hyperledger/cactus/compare/v2.0.0-rc.1...v2.0.0-rc.2)\n\n---\nupdated-dependencies:\n- dependency-name: socket.io\n dependency-type: indirect\n- dependency-name: \"@hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling\"\n dependency-type: direct:development\n...\n\nSigned-off-by: dependabot[bot] ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"build(deps): bump socket.io and @hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling"}},{"before":"532d61813269c8d70fd478b5bfdb44801671cae3","after":"5d6d7581fe1707824ce53abf1d1e040e8e33a2e3","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-07-09T19:03:15.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"fazzatti","name":"Fifo (Fabricius Zatti)","path":"/fazzatti","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/62725221?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge branch 'main' into develop","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge branch 'main' into develop"}},{"before":"f1555edea3f8c952ee6f534c070082bc78e409d2","after":"a563fb80f46cd552f5928370e20bb58e838011d4","ref":"refs/heads/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/multi-129f80000b","pushedAt":"2024-07-09T19:01:51.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"dependabot[bot]","name":null,"path":"/apps/dependabot","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/in/29110?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"build(deps): bump socket.io and @hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling\n\nBumps [socket.io](https://github.com/socketio/socket.io) to 4.6.2 and updates ancestor dependency [@hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling](https://github.com/hyperledger/cactus). These dependencies need to be updated together.\n\n\nUpdates `socket.io` from 4.5.4 to 4.6.2\n- [Release notes](https://github.com/socketio/socket.io/releases)\n- [Changelog](https://github.com/socketio/socket.io/blob/4.6.2/CHANGELOG.md)\n- [Commits](https://github.com/socketio/socket.io/compare/4.5.4...4.6.2)\n\nUpdates `@hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling` from 2.0.0-rc.1 to 2.0.0-rc.2\n- [Release notes](https://github.com/hyperledger/cactus/releases)\n- [Changelog](https://github.com/hyperledger/cacti/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n- [Commits](https://github.com/hyperledger/cactus/compare/v2.0.0-rc.1...v2.0.0-rc.2)\n\n---\nupdated-dependencies:\n- dependency-name: socket.io\n dependency-type: indirect\n- dependency-name: \"@hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling\"\n dependency-type: direct:development\n...\n\nSigned-off-by: dependabot[bot] ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"build(deps): bump socket.io and @hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling"}},{"before":"2ca3fc3a21d814fbaad6b66de8e8a447c0ff2f7f","after":"532d61813269c8d70fd478b5bfdb44801671cae3","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-07-09T19:00:23.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"fazzatti","name":"Fifo (Fabricius Zatti)","path":"/fazzatti","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/62725221?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"fix: hyperledger import for test ledger","shortMessageHtmlLink":"fix: hyperledger import for test ledger"}},{"before":"0ff35bb041bf907fbe09ec20aed481a2365c0073","after":"df6340aaebf604d957bbf76ca22adf2cbb192e28","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2024-07-09T18:30:12.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"fazzatti","name":"Fifo (Fabricius Zatti)","path":"/fazzatti","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/62725221?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Bundle v0.10.0 (#157)\n\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* Update stellar sdk (#139)\r\n\r\n* Release v0.8.0 (#136)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* chore: update stellar sdk\r\n\r\n* feat: add function to return secret key to default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: default account handler getters\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.8.1\r\n\r\n* Minor fixes (#141)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract output\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.2\r\n\r\n* Contract engine improvements (#144)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* version 0.8.2 (#142)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* Update stellar sdk (#139)\r\n\r\n* Release v0.8.0 (#136)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* chore: update stellar sdk\r\n\r\n* feat: add function to return secret key to default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: default account handler getters\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.8.1\r\n\r\n* Minor fixes (#141)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract output\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.2\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* Documentation (#143)\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-34: No subject\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-35: update issuing your first asset tutorial\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-36: update CD tutorial\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-37: update profiler plugin\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-38: Remove soroban token duplicate link\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-39: update soroban token handler\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-40: Improve Validation Cloud RPC page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-41: Improve the Welcome Page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-42: Improve Quick Start page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-45: Soroban Auth Pipeline\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-47: update general doc\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* feat: remove spec requirement to instantiate contract engine\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to spec requirement\r\n\r\n* feat: export stellar-sdk contract spec\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.3\r\n\r\n* fix: soroban auth simulation fails if partial auth entries are present\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.4\r\n\r\n* feat: Implement verbose output for transactions pipelines (#147)\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for classic pipeline\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for soroban pipeline\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.9.0\r\n\r\n* build(deps-dev): bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3\r\n\r\nBumps [braces](https://github.com/micromatch/braces) from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3.\r\n- [Changelog](https://github.com/micromatch/braces/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\r\n- [Commits](https://github.com/micromatch/braces/compare/3.0.2...3.0.3)\r\n\r\n---\r\nupdated-dependencies:\r\n- dependency-name: braces\r\n dependency-type: indirect\r\n...\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: dependabot[bot] \r\n\r\n* Feat integration tests (#150)\r\n\r\n* feat: Implement verbose output for transactions pipelines (#148)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* Update stellar sdk (#139)\r\n\r\n* Release v0.8.0 (#136)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* chore: update stellar sdk\r\n\r\n* feat: add function to return secret key to default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: default account handler getters\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.8.1\r\n\r\n* Minor fixes (#141)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract output\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.2\r\n\r\n* Contract engine improvements (#144)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* version 0.8.2 (#142)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* Update stellar sdk (#139)\r\n\r\n* Release v0.8.0 (#136)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* chore: merge with develop\r\n\r\n* test: add build transaction failure tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: make networkConfig variable private\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for fee bump pipeline (#113)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic signature requirements pipeline (#115)\r\n\r\n* Adjustments to release library as open source ๐Ÿš€ (#107)\r\n\r\n* chore: add jest setup to coverage all files (#101)\r\n\r\n* refactor: fix circular import\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initial structure\r\n\r\n* Contract Engine unit tests (#103)\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors\r\n\r\n* feat: validate required initialization arguments\r\n\r\n* test: contract engine initialization workflow\r\n\r\n* test: complete contract engine main coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: update deprecated methods\r\n\r\n* refactor: contract engine errors (#104)\r\n\r\n* Update docs and minor adjustments to jsdocs (#105)\r\n\r\n* fix: missing error CE009\r\n\r\n* docs: update jsdoc\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme for public release\r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.7.0 (#108)\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* fix: setoptions op threshold requirement\r\n\r\n* fix: revoke operation variants threshold calculation\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to classig sign requirements pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: rearrange as per aaa pattern\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for simulate transaction pipeline (#117)\r\n\r\n* refactor: eslint adjustments\r\n\r\n* test: initial simulate transaction unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add assemble transaction sp error\r\n\r\n* test: complete coverage for simulate transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: clean up comments and adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline (#118)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for classic transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban transaction pipeline (#119)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for sign transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test for submit transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests soroban auth (#123)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove validation from contract engine initialization\r\n\r\n* style: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: modify account handler mocker payload\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban auth pipeline\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\n\r\n* Complete unit test coverage for account handlers (#125)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action (#126)\r\n\r\n* Create test-coverage.yml action\r\n\r\n* Update test-coverage.yml\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for base account handler (#127)\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: validate error to sign auth entry\r\n\r\n* feat: add fee bump type to sign payload\r\n\r\n* test: refactor freighter account handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for base account handler\r\n\r\n* Add unit test for soroban get transaction pipeline (#124)\r\n\r\n* refactor: soroban get transaction pipeline constructor\r\n\r\n* fix: remove old log\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for soroban get transaction pipeline\r\n\r\n* style: adjust imports\r\n\r\n* Add unit tests for the classic asset handler (#128)\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust outter imports/exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests for the classic asset handler\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer requirement for classic assets (#129)\r\n\r\n* refactor: allow for no payload for dah\r\n\r\n* feat: remove issuer necessity for classic assets to better include native\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to soroban token handler (#131)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account (#132)\r\n\r\n* feat: remove helper classes for account\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove unused error for base account\r\n\r\n* test: complete unit coverage for base account errors\r\n\r\n* Standardize default network configs and custom (#133)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* test: adjust tests for new network config format\r\n\r\n* feat: require rpc url for default rpc handler to initialize\r\n\r\n* feat: require horizon url to initialize default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: remove local testing from coverage\r\n\r\n* feat: remove soroban client\r\n\r\n* feat: convert horizon load account error to sp error\r\n\r\n* feat: add allowhttp to network config\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to default horizon handler\r\n\r\n* test: add default rpc handler unit tests\r\n\r\n* fix: account changes with network new config format\r\n\r\n* test: add network configuration unit tests\r\n\r\n* refactor: allowhttp object\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to v0.8.0\r\n\r\n* Fix merge issues (#137)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* chore: update stellar sdk\r\n\r\n* feat: add function to return secret key to default account handler\r\n\r\n* test: default account handler getters\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* packaging: bump version to 0.8.1\r\n\r\n* Minor fixes (#141)\r\n\r\n* feat: standardize network config options as functions under network\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate imports\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract output\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.2\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\n\r\n* Documentation (#143)\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-34: No subject\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-35: update issuing your first asset tutorial\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-36: update CD tutorial\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-37: update profiler plugin\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-38: Remove soroban token duplicate link\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-39: update soroban token handler\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-40: Improve Validation Cloud RPC page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-41: Improve the Welcome Page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-42: Improve Quick Start page\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-45: Soroban Auth Pipeline\r\n\r\n* GITBOOK-47: update general doc\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* feat: remove spec requirement to instantiate contract engine\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to spec requirement\r\n\r\n* feat: export stellar-sdk contract spec\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.3\r\n\r\n* fix: soroban auth simulation fails if partial auth entries are present\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.8.4\r\n\r\n* feat: Implement verbose output for transactions pipelines (#147)\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for classic pipeline\r\n\r\n* feat: implement verbose output for soroban pipeline\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to 0.9.0\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* test: configure different test types\r\n\r\n* feat: add test ledger\r\n\r\n* test: add account management integration tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add regex utils\r\n\r\n* test: move integration tests\r\n\r\n* test: add example smart contract hello world\r\n\r\n* test: add load wasm util\r\n\r\n* test: add integration test for hello world\r\n\r\n* test: add simple tx invocation helper\r\n\r\n* style: remove unused imports\r\n\r\n* test: add classic asset management integration test\r\n\r\n* ci: update coverage check to include integration plus unit\r\n\r\n* test: add util to derivate feebump header from tx invocation\r\n\r\n* fix: read from contract with channel accounts handle not having signers\r\n\r\n* test: add channel accounts plugin integration tests\r\n\r\n* test: adjust plugin imports for coverage\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust plugins exports\r\n\r\n* test: add unit tests to debug plugin\r\n\r\n* test: add profiler plugin integration tests\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused mocks\r\n\r\n* docs: update readme with testing section\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\n\r\n* build(deps-dev): bump axios from 0.21.4 to 1.7.2\r\n\r\nBumps [axios](https://github.com/axios/axios) from 0.21.4 to 1.7.2.\r\n- [Release notes](https://github.com/axios/axios/releases)\r\n- [Changelog](https://github.com/axios/axios/blob/v1.x/CHANGELOG.md)\r\n- [Commits](https://github.com/axios/axios/compare/v0.21.4...v1.7.2)\r\n\r\n---\r\nupdated-dependencies:\r\n- dependency-name: axios\r\n dependency-type: indirect\r\n...\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: dependabot[bot] \r\n\r\n* Feat: unit conversion (#153)\r\n\r\n* feat: add unit conversion utils\r\n\r\n* test: add unit conversion unit tests\r\n\r\n* feat: add balance conversion with strings\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to balance conversion with strings\r\n\r\n* docs: improve ts-docs for unit conversion\r\n\r\n* Feat verify signature (#156)\r\n\r\n* feat: add signData feature to default account handler\r\n\r\n* feat: add verifySignature feature to base account handler\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to signData\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to verifySignature\r\n\r\n* chore: bump version to v0.10.0\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: dependabot[bot] \r\nCo-authored-by: Bruno Nascimento \r\nCo-authored-by: Caio Teixeira \r\nCo-authored-by: Fernanda Hahn \r\nCo-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Bundle v0.10.0 (#157)"}},{"before":null,"after":"f1555edea3f8c952ee6f534c070082bc78e409d2","ref":"refs/heads/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/multi-129f80000b","pushedAt":"2024-07-09T18:01:00.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"dependabot[bot]","name":null,"path":"/apps/dependabot","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/in/29110?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"build(deps): bump socket.io and @hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling\n\nBumps [socket.io](https://github.com/socketio/socket.io) to 4.6.2 and updates ancestor dependency [@hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling](https://github.com/hyperledger/cactus). These dependencies need to be updated together.\n\n\nUpdates `socket.io` from 4.5.4 to 4.6.2\n- [Release notes](https://github.com/socketio/socket.io/releases)\n- [Changelog](https://github.com/socketio/socket.io/blob/4.6.2/CHANGELOG.md)\n- [Commits](https://github.com/socketio/socket.io/compare/4.5.4...4.6.2)\n\nUpdates `@hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling` from 2.0.0-rc.1 to 2.0.0-rc.2\n- [Release notes](https://github.com/hyperledger/cactus/releases)\n- [Changelog](https://github.com/hyperledger/cacti/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n- [Commits](https://github.com/hyperledger/cactus/compare/v2.0.0-rc.1...v2.0.0-rc.2)\n\n---\nupdated-dependencies:\n- dependency-name: socket.io\n dependency-type: indirect\n- dependency-name: \"@hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling\"\n dependency-type: direct:development\n...\n\nSigned-off-by: dependabot[bot] ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"build(deps): bump socket.io and @hyperledger/cactus-test-tooling"}},{"before":"57dae337b318e8c8cd13190f6fa11f339b44c7b9","after":"2ca3fc3a21d814fbaad6b66de8e8a447c0ff2f7f","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-07-09T17:59:43.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"fazzatti","name":"Fifo (Fabricius Zatti)","path":"/fazzatti","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/62725221?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"chore: bump version to v0.10.0","shortMessageHtmlLink":"chore: bump version to v0.10.0"}},{"before":"9474d5470886dae502806b4a9841698d2c152ea1","after":"57dae337b318e8c8cd13190f6fa11f339b44c7b9","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-07-09T17:12:52.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"fazzatti","name":"Fifo (Fabricius Zatti)","path":"/fazzatti","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/62725221?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge branch 'main' into develop","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge branch 'main' into develop"}},{"before":"eb0df4dd63e7da214ec7cb8ab6f73aa6e54e8ad3","after":null,"ref":"refs/heads/feat-verify-signature","pushedAt":"2024-07-02T12:32:11.000Z","pushType":"branch_deletion","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"fazzatti","name":"Fifo (Fabricius Zatti)","path":"/fazzatti","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/62725221?s=80&v=4"}},{"before":"0770e9a89e5e948943fdbcd988321ff595c8929c","after":"9474d5470886dae502806b4a9841698d2c152ea1","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-07-02T12:32:09.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"fazzatti","name":"Fifo (Fabricius Zatti)","path":"/fazzatti","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/62725221?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Feat verify signature (#156)\n\n* feat: add signData feature to default account handler\r\n\r\n* feat: add verifySignature feature to base account handler\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to signData\r\n\r\n* test: add unit test to verifySignature","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Feat verify signature (#156)"}},{"before":"defe54369d0388d55462d7ef230da89e9e1bc77b","after":"eb0df4dd63e7da214ec7cb8ab6f73aa6e54e8ad3","ref":"refs/heads/feat-verify-signature","pushedAt":"2024-07-02T12:31:58.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":4,"pusher":{"login":"fazzatti","name":"Fifo (Fabricius Zatti)","path":"/fazzatti","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/62725221?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge branch 'develop' into feat-verify-signature","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge branch 'develop' into feat-verify-signature"}},{"before":"9393704a5308cfa036865396d83871d1211830bd","after":null,"ref":"refs/heads/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/axios-1.7.2","pushedAt":"2024-07-02T12:31:35.000Z","pushType":"branch_deletion","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"Brunonascdev","name":"Bruno Nascimento","path":"/Brunonascdev","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51379924?s=80&v=4"}},{"before":"8739884756fd56c2b381b6fbd6b874a422f407ef","after":"0770e9a89e5e948943fdbcd988321ff595c8929c","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-07-02T12:31:32.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":3,"pusher":{"login":"Brunonascdev","name":"Bruno Nascimento","path":"/Brunonascdev","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51379924?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge pull request #154 from CheesecakeLabs/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/axios-1.7.2\n\nbuild(deps-dev): bump axios from 0.21.4 to 1.7.2","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge pull request #154 from CheesecakeLabs/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/aโ€ฆ"}}],"hasNextPage":true,"hasPreviousPage":false,"activityType":"all","actor":null,"timePeriod":"all","sort":"DESC","perPage":30,"cursor":"djE6ks8AAAAEh015BQA","startCursor":null,"endCursor":null}},"title":"Activity ยท CheesecakeLabs/stellar-plus"}