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22 lines (14 loc) · 1.08 KB

Firstro (Atari XE)

WARNING: If you're looking at this code as an example, please don't.


KK/ATR had a wonderful talk about his new smart I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Assembler, K65. I thought it was cool! Then someone told us there may be a shortage of intros at the compo, so we decided to do the impossible - write a tolerable intro with barely any prior XE experience in 20 hours (including sleep!). Worse, we did it using an assembler with unconventional syntax which I had only heard about 6 hours earlier and, as such, never used before. (However, using it meant that we managed to put out anything releaseable at all!)

The inspiration was the fact that it started snowing on the first day of the party. In early November.

There isn't anything impressive in the source code - poorly hacked together effects, 5-minute Go-based PNG->ASM converters and a simple music engine. At least it actually exists, which I hope is good enough for a "first".


  • asie/ChenThread (code)
  • Axoi/ChenThread (graphics)
  • GreaseMonkey/ChenThread (music, font)
  • skrzyp (hardware, testing)