currently powered by:
Parallelism by HTML5 UP | @n33co Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
Projects item/thumbs are generated using d3.js ( in assets/js/projects.js by loading projects.json.
There is a slight modification in assets/js/parallelism/main.js to make sure that across all browsers projects item/thumbs are generated before their layout is computed.
In future versions of this portfolio, jQuery may be fully replaced by d3.js.
It's done! Parallelism was an idea I mocked up a few months ago but, due to other committments, didn't get around to putting to code until recently. Different to my more general-purpose freebies, this one's specifically built for portfolio use but still delivers quite a bit of customizability (via CSS and a number of settings). For more on how it works and how to make the most of it, jump on down to the "Instructions" section.
Feedback, bug reports, and comments are not only welcome, but strongly encouraged :)
AJ @n33co
Instructions for Parallelism:
- Item: A generic container of stuff. Said stuff can be a thumbnail, the actual
page header, or whatever else you deem item worthy. Items can vary in width but
are all the same height (230px by default, but you can change this with a setting).
- Thumb: A special type of item that contains a thumbnail image and a title. Short
for thumbnail. No relation to actual nails.
- Reel: A whole bunch of items strung together, and the main point of interaction
for users.
How it Works:
1. You (the user) add a bunch of items to the reel. Items must be assigned a width
(in pixels) using the "data-width" attribute. A few examples:
<div class="item" data-width="300">
This is a generic item. Put whatever you want here.
(width = whatever you want)
<article class="item thumb" data-width="275">
<h2>Image Title</h2>
<a href="path/to/fullsize.jpg"><img src="path/to/thumbnail.jpg" alt=""></a>
(width = width of the thumbnail image)
Page Header (which, by the way, is entirely optional)
<div id="header" class="item" data-width="400">
<p>A responsive portfolio site<br />
template by HTML5 UP</p>
(width = whatever you want)
Congratulations. You now have a reel full of items.
2. Parallelism looks at the window, figures out how many rows it can fit in the
available (vertical) space, then breaks up the reel into that many rows.
3. With the reel broken up, Parallelism goes through and does a bit of scaling
on each item to ensure the widths of each row are identical.
4. Profit !@#!#%$(!$%(*
So yeah, pretty simple. Also, tons of settings to mess with if you're into that
sort of thing (below).
- Scrolling is handled in 3 ways:
1. Scrolling up/down using the mouse wheel (down = scroll right, up = scroll left)
2. Using the left/right arrow keys ("Scroll Keys")
3. Moving the mouse cursor to the far left or far right of the screen ("Scroll Zones")
Methods #2 and #3 can be disabled and customized using settings (below). Method #1
is always enabled.
- If you don't have enough items to require scrolling, the reel will just be centered on
the screen.
- Rows will automatically factor when the viewport is resized.
- All modern desktop/mobile browsers are supported (as well as IE as far back as 8, though
7 is still pretty usable).
Change these at the top of js/init.js.
Popup overlay color (default: '#1a1f2c')
Popup overlay opacity (default: 0.75)
If true, mobile mode will get some automatic styling (default: true)
If true, reel will be vertically centered (default: true)
Delay (in ms) before showing the reel (default: 600)
Speed (in ms) at which to fade in reel (default: 750)
Height (in px) of items (default: 230)
Default width (in px) of width (default: 300)
Margin (in px) to preserve at the bottom of the viewport (default: 40)
Margin (in px) to preserve at the top of the viewport (default: 0)
Nudge the reel by this value (in px) after it's been vertically centered (default: -50)
Maximum number of rows (default: 3)
Minimum number of rows (default: 1)
Padding (in px) between items (0 = no padding) (default: 5)
Padding color (default: '#fff')
If true, reel scroll will reset on page refresh (default: true)
Scales the scroll delta (1 = normal, 2 = double, 0.5 = half, etc.) (default: 1)
If true, the left/right arrow keys will scroll the reel (default: true)
Scroll amount when using keys (default: 50)
Determines where scrollwheel events should be captured ('window' or 'reel') (default: 'window')
If true, moving the cursor to the leftmost/rightmost edges of the reel will scroll it (default: true)
Scroll amount when using scroll zones (default: 10)
Time (in ms) to wait between scrolls when the cursor is in a scroll zone (default: 20)
Width of scroll zones (default: 40)
Delay (in ms) before showing thumbnails (default: 1200)
Spread (in ms) to randomly stagger thumbnails (0 = don't stagger) (default: 1500)
Speed (in ms) at which to fade in thumbnails (default: 750)
If true, page will blur slightly when the popup is displayed (webkit only) (default: false)
Font Awesome (
jQuery (
html5shiv.js (@afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem)
background-size polyfill (
Respond.js (
Skel (
d3.js (