##Welcome to The HIVE
The Hive is a social networking site where software developers can find other developers to collaborate on side projects with. It uses an in-app messaging system for smooth, fast communication and a geolocation search to find projects in your city or zip code. Users can also search for projects by language or framework.
##Team Members:
##Live URL: Heroku
$ git clone [git-repo-url]
$ cd /the-hive
$ bundle
$ rake db:create
$ rake db:migrate
$ rake db:seed
$ rails s
- Rails - a powerful and flexible framework for Ruby applications
- jQuery UI - for our drop down, auto-complete menus
- RSpec - for testing of features, controllers, and models
- AJAX - for generating smoother results
- Mailboxer - a Ruby gem for streamlined in-app communication
- Google Geocoder API - an API that seamlessly records the latitude and longitude of any zip code or city
- Materialize - a responsive frontend framework
Want to contribute? Great! Feel free to create an issue or open a pull request!