[Options for advanced mode] ground_file_is_resistances = True remove_src_or_gnd = keepall ground_file = (Browse for a ground point file) use_unit_currents = False source_file = (Browse for a current source file) use_direct_grounds = False [Mask file] mask_file = (Browse for a raster mask file) use_mask = False [Calculation options] low_memory_mode = False parallelize = False solver = cg+amg print_timings = False preemptive_memory_release = False print_rusages = False max_parallel = 0 [Short circuit regions (aka polygons)] polygon_file = (Browse for a short-circuit region file) use_polygons = False [Options for one-to-all and all-to-one modes] use_variable_source_strengths = False variable_source_file = (Browse for a source strength file) [Output options] set_null_currents_to_nodata = False set_focal_node_currents_to_zero = False set_null_voltages_to_nodata = False compress_grids = False write_cur_maps = False write_volt_maps = False output_file = /Volumes/borneo/Matt_NYC_LG/circuitscape_june/SecondRound_goodnumbering/Subset_1_1000/AES_1to1000_julia write_cum_cur_map_only = False log_transform_maps = False write_max_cur_maps = False [Version] version = 4.0.5 [Options for reclassification of habitat data] reclass_file = (Browse for file with reclassification data) use_reclass_table = False [Logging Options] log_level = INFO log_file = /Volumes/borneo/Matt_NYC_LG/circuitscape_june/SecondRound_goodnumbering/Subset_1_1000/AES_1to1000_julia.log profiler_log_file = None screenprint_log = False [Options for pairwise and one-to-all and all-to-one modes] included_pairs_file = /Volumes/borneo/Matt_NYC_LG/circuitscape_june/SecondRound_goodnumbering/n196utm_dist_1to1000.txt use_included_pairs = True point_file = /Volumes/borneo/Matt_NYC_LG/circuitscape_june/SecondRound_goodnumbering/rats_n262_utm_ascii_3.asc [Connection scheme for raster habitat data] connect_using_avg_resistances = True connect_four_neighbors_only = False [Habitat raster or graph] habitat_map_is_resistances = True habitat_file = /Volumes/borneo/Matt_NYC_LG/circuitscape_june/SecondRound_goodnumbering/aes_recl.asc [Circuitscape mode] data_type = raster scenario = pairwise