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Abhi Keshav committed Dec 2, 2016
1 parent 7954634 commit 1dfaea4
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Showing 3 changed files with 140 additions and 0 deletions.
122 changes: 122 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
**2016-11-30 version 0.5.2:**

### Python

* CRUD service / Codec service / Netconf service improvements
* Improved error handling for mismatched model API types ([#241](
* Fixed issues with certain operations in netconf service ([#247](, [#248](, [#252](, [#235](
* Fixed issue with CRUD service identityref keys ([#257](

* Bundle improvements
* Made executable ([#227](
* Removed auto capitalization of enum literals ([#230](
* Updated [`cisco-ios-xr` bundle]( to support Cisco IOS XR 6.1.2 release ([#316](

* Logging improvements
* Improved logging for services and providers ([#251](, [#254](, [#280](, [#283](, [#284](

* Documentation improvements
* Added YDK logos and reorganized to be more readable ([#301](, [#296](, [#289](
* Improved documentation of YANG attributes like data type (configuration or state), default value, units, status etc ([#249](, [#290](
* Improved netconf service documentation ([#235](

### C++ (alpha)

* Introduced support for C++ YDK bindings ([issue#118](, related [commits]( and [pull requests](
* Added support for CRUD, Validation and Codec services, along with Netconf and Codec providers, YDK types and errors
* Added support for Path API
* Used libyang and libnetconf libraries as part of the service and provider abstraction layer
* Integrated with CMake build system
* Wrote unit tests using `boost::unit_test`
* Added support for logging using `boost::log`
* Added documentation using `sphinx`
* Integrated C++ testing into CI using travis-ci ([#286](

**2016-10-10 version 0.5.1:**

* Support for Python3
* Introduced support for Python 3 ([#60](
* Both Python 2 and Python 3 are now supported for `ydk-gen` and `ydk-py`

* Bundle improvements
* Improved usage of import statements in YDK model API to reduce chances of circular import dependency ([#216](
* Updated [`cisco-ios-xr` bundle]( to support Cisco IOS XR 6.1.1 release ([#258](
* Updated [`openconfig` bundle]( ([#258](

* Documentation improvements
* Improved documentation for bundle installation ([#244](
* Added documentation for executor service ([#263](

**2016-08-03 version 0.5.0:**
* Introduced YDK bundles ([#43](, [#148](, [#149](
* Created YDK core library and pluggable namespace packages that share the same module prefix `ydk.models`
* Generated documentation for YDK core and bundles

* CRUD service / Codec service / Netconf service improvements
* Improved support for presence containers, nested enum and identity classes ([#169](
* Improved support for lists with multiple keys by ensuring that the order of keys is preserved ([#179](
* Improved support for leaf-list of identity type ([#186](
* Added check for user error which can occur when self-referencing YDK object as parent object ([#184](
* Improved error-reporting for commit-time error ([#190](
* Fixed CRUD read support for modules containing top-level list ([#194](

* Testing improvements
* Added Mac OS X installation and running codec service sanity tests to CI ([#175](

* Documentation improvements
* Indicated mandatory leafs in the documentation ([#177](
* Specified path to referred leaf for leafrefs ([#177](
* Fix documentation of presence containers ([#192](
* Enhanced documentation of leafs of identityref type by indicating all the subclasses of identity base class referred to by the identityref ([#161](
* Added documentation on how to use YDK delete operation and improved documentation for YDK read operation ([#204](

**2016-06-17 version 0.4.2:**
* Error handling improvements
* Fixed local validation to correctly check for types and values ([#116](
* Introduced error hierarchy to represent errors from various components, viz.: YPYModelErrors, YPYServiceError, YPYServiceProviderError ([#133](
* When raising YPYModelErrors, include errors dictionary with key as path to data, and value as tuple of error code and error message
* Added more extensive negative test cases to ydk-gen to test handling of error ([#134](
* CRUD service / Codec service / Netconf service provider improvements
* Added support for multiple objects to codec service ([#122](
* Added logging for codec service ([#97](
* Have logging hierarchy automatically follow package hierarchy ([#100](
* Have netconf service return YDK python objects instead of XML strings ([#120](
* Fixed decoding issue with leaf-list of enums ([#150](
* Removed requirements.txt from ydk-py and added all requirements to
* Enforce PEP8 naming for Identity classes ([#152](
* Added full ydk-py version to the documentation ([#144](

**2016-05-20 version 0.4.1:**
* Added openconfig bgp-policy APIs to ydk-py ([#102](
* Introduced ability to programmatically retrieve SDK version of ydk-py ([#8](
* Removed unused dependencies from ydk-py's requirements.txt ([#48](
* Introduced [coveralls]( and improved [travis CI]( integration for ydk-gen github ([#84](, [#54](, [#15](, [#46](
* CRUD service / Netconf service provider improvements
* Added timeout parameter to NetconfServiceProvider ([#1](
* Fixed issues with decoding leafs of union type and nodes defined in sub-modules ([#5](, [#56](
* Fixed issue with encoding enums, identities defined in external modules ([#30](, [#103](
* Improved support for deleting leafs, leaf-lists and lists ([#55](, [#103](
* Documentation improvements
* Added 'About ydk-py' page with information about ydk-gen used to generate ydk-py ([#6](
* Indicate in documentation YDK class attributes that are keys ([#41](
* Made top containers show up at the top of the table of contents for every module document ([#39](

**2016-04-15 version 0.4.0:**

* Introduced netconf service and codec service
* Netconf service provides APIs to execute netconf operations
* Codec service provides APIs to encode python objects and decode payloads
* Support for yang deviation
* Support for subscribing to model-driven telemetry
* Logging made more consistent
* CRUDService outputs type of operation
* When logging is enabled, all NETCONF messages are logged including commit
* Log messages at various stages (send RPC request, receive reply, commit
etc) instead of logging all at once at the end
* Updated enums in YDK classes to use enum34
* Improved enum documentation
* Improved error reporting for ydk-py and ydk-gen

**2016-03-11 version 0.3.0:**

* First public release.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
**Coding Guidelines**

A general guideline is to follow the clean code principles for any new code we write or existing code we modify. Also, emphasis is laid on testing. Having a corresponding unit test for every class will make sure the code we have written is actually exercised once before being deployed. This way, we can avoid nasty bugs and make maintenance easier.

Some of the coding guidelines include:
* Using meaningful names for functions and variables
* Writing small functions (3-4 lines would be ideal. Max of 10 lines) and having only one purpose in one function
* Every function, and every block within a function, should have one entry and one return statement
* Avoid writing duplicate code
* Follow the 'girl scout'/‘boy scout’ rule of leaving the code cleaner than one finds it
* For indentation, follow the [BSD/Allman style](
* Use 4 spaces for indentation in place of hard tabs
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
**Contributing to YDK**

* Please first read and follow the [coding style guidelines](
* Make sure you have run all the tests on your code changes and try to add sufficient test cases for your changes. To do this, enable Travis CI to be run on your fork by going to `<your-github-user-id>/ydk-gen`.
* Make your changes and push them to your fork.
* Please submit a pull request. Your changes will be code reviewed on github prior to being accepted.

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