Stopping container named neo-privnet Removing container named neo-privnet Starting container... b53670f900a734ebdcac8a30c1eb1197d20ec6e43cfcc54ad92d1eff275d8943 Waiting 10 seconds to let consensus nodes start... Starting script to claim NEO and GAS... docker exec -it neo-privnet python3.6 /neo-python/ Privatenet useragent '/NEO:2.7.4/', nonce: 1058161240 [I 181005 09:51:20 Settings:295] Created 'Chains' directory at /root/.neopython/Chains Blockchain DB path: /root/.neopython/Chains/privnet Warning: Chain database already exists. If this is from a previous private network, you need to delete /root/.neopython/Chains/privnet [I 181005 09:51:20 LevelDBBlockchain:114] Created Blockchain DB at /root/.neopython/Chains/privnet Waiting for chain to sync... Waiting for chain to sync... Waiting for chain to sync... Waiting for chain to sync... Waiting for chain to sync... Waiting for chain to sync... Waiting for chain to sync... Waiting for chain to sync... Waiting for chain to sync... Signing new transaction with 3 of 4 node keys... [I 181005 09:51:32 UserWallet:193] contract does not exist yet Importing node private key to to wallet1.db3 [I 181005 09:51:33 UserWallet:193] contract does not exist yet Importing multi-sig contract to wallet1.db3 [I 181005 09:51:34 UserWallet:193] contract does not exist yet Added multi-sig contract address AZ81H31DMWzbSnFDLFkzh9vHwaDLayV7fU to wallet Creating spend transaction to AK2nJJpJr6o664CWJKi1QRXjqeic2zRp8y Transaction initiated [W 181005 09:51:35 Wallet:674] Could not process ::: no such table: key [I 181005 09:51:37 UserWallet:193] contract does not exist yet Importing node private key to to wallet2.db3 [I 181005 09:51:38 UserWallet:193] contract does not exist yet Importing multi-sig contract to wallet2.db3 [I 181005 09:51:38 UserWallet:193] contract does not exist yet Added multi-sig contract address AZ81H31DMWzbSnFDLFkzh9vHwaDLayV7fU to wallet Transaction signed, but the signature is still incomplete [I 181005 09:51:42 UserWallet:193] contract does not exist yet Importing node private key to to wallet3.db3 [I 181005 09:51:42 UserWallet:193] contract does not exist yet Importing multi-sig contract to wallet3.db3 [I 181005 09:51:42 UserWallet:193] contract does not exist yet Added multi-sig contract address AZ81H31DMWzbSnFDLFkzh9vHwaDLayV7fU to wallet Signature complete, relaying... will send tx: { "txid": "0xdc44739e2f97743f2ed258988327560e2185ed13eec0097938eef4aea584bf04", "size": 436, "type": "ContractTransaction", "version": 0, "attributes": [], "vout": [ { "n": 0, "asset": "0xc56f33fc6ecfcd0c225c4ab356fee59390af8560be0e930faebe74a6daff7c9b", "value": "100000000", "address": "AK2nJJpJr6o664CWJKi1QRXjqeic2zRp8y" } ], "vin": [ { "txid": "0x7aadf91ca8ac1e2c323c025a7e492bee2dd90c783b86ebfc3b18db66b530a76d", "vout": 0 } ], "sys_fee": "0", "net_fee": "0", "scripts": [ { "invocation": "406c0e529d43daba69d8daaea954f697e17b4c1e2ff596c82eeb0c8a8d1d0dea2268e37b1e653d8fb488e74396f478067c18d0741d956ab8935a67f40eb67c93d940a9684c5497bd06d59e88bbedb75666c2b7f92a8304c8e280c94a495fa4c2d90436caa0c651c3f816f37e0add5623594bc782af38a461d77b548f1ab5de3a2bbe402cfbabd5ac2bd5e6bd69c7a61ba79bf1b37c4e8c1b20f23a48d4896e67a6f25016d39ed4c417fd00d9af455638c9d3fbacc049b2e467d2622827da41a0508881", "verification": "532102103a7f7dd016558597f7960d27c516a4394fd968b9e65155eb4b013e4040406e2102a7bc55fe8684e0119768d104ba30795bdcc86619e864add26156723ed185cd622102b3622bf4017bdfe317c58aed5f4c753f206b7db896046fa7d774bbc4bf7f8dc22103d90c07df63e690ce77912e10ab51acc944b66860237b608c4f8f8309e71ee69954ae" } ] } [I 181005 09:51:43 Transaction:617] Verifying transaction: b'dc44739e2f97743f2ed258988327560e2185ed13eec0097938eef4aea584bf04' [E 181005 09:51:43 NodeLeader:344] Veryfiying tx result... failed Could not relay tx dc44739e2f97743f2ed258988327560e2185ed13eec0097938eef4aea584bf04 [W 181005 09:51:43 Wallet:674] Could not process ::: UNIQUE constraint failed: key.Name [I 181005 09:51:47 UserWallet:193] contract does not exist yet Importing node private key to to wallet4.db3 [I 181005 09:51:48 UserWallet:193] contract does not exist yet Importing multi-sig contract to wallet4.db3 [I 181005 09:51:48 UserWallet:193] contract does not exist yet Added multi-sig contract address AZ81H31DMWzbSnFDLFkzh9vHwaDLayV7fU to wallet [E 181005 09:51:49 ContractParameterContext:299] Failed to import ContractParametersContext from JSON: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) Failed to parse JSON Opening wallet /tmp/wallet Wait 1 min before claiming GAS. Sending NEO to own wallet... sending with fee: 0.0 [E 181005 09:52:49 Wallet:1079] insufficient funds for asset id: c56f33fc6ecfcd0c225c4ab356fee59390af8560be0e930faebe74a6daff7c9b insufficient funds Something went wrong, no tx. ^C Copying wallet file and wif key out of Docker container... -------------------- All done! You now have 2 files in the current directory: neo-privnet.wallet .. a wallet you can use with neo-python (pwd: coz) neo-privnet.wif ..... a wif private key you can import into other clients Enjoy!