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Followy CKAN Extension

A CKAN extension that displays the datasets a user is following on their profile and dashboard in the Following tab.


This extension requires an installation of CKAN. To install and set up CKAN, visit CKAN Documentation


Step 1:

  • Activate your virtual environment using the path to your virtual environment. If you have followed the default path when installing CKAN on Mac OSX, you may have to use /usr/local/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate. You can copy the code as is below, including the preceeding dot.
. /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate

Step 2:

  • Install the extension

You can download the source code and install the extension manually. To do so, execute the following command:

pip install -e git+

Alternatively: You can clone this repo (preferably into the /src directory where you installed CKAN), cd into ckanext-followy and run

python develop

Step 3:

  • Modify your configuration file (generally in /etc/ckan/default/production.ini) and add followy to the ckan.plugins property.
ckan.plugins = followy <OTHER_PLUGINS>

Step 4:

  • Restart your server:
paster serve /etc/ckan/default/production.ini


paster serve --reload /etc/ckan/default/production.ini

With --reload, your server is restarted automatically whenever you make changes to your source code.

Running the Tests

To run the tests, do:

nosetests --nologcapture --with-pylons=test.ini

To run the tests and produce a coverage report, first make sure you have coverage installed in your virtualenv (pip install coverage) then run:

nosetests --nologcapture --with-pylons=test.ini --with-coverage --cover-package=ckanext.followy --cover-inclusive --cover-erase --cover-tests

If you have issues running the tests, check if the path to your CKAN test-core.ini file from this extension is correct in the [app:main] section of this extension's test.ini file


If you've found a bug/issue in the extension, please open a new issue here (try searching first to see if there's already an issue for your bug).

Contributing to Followy CKAN Extension

If you have interest in contributing to the development of Followy extension, you are welcome. A good starting point will be reading the CKAN general Contributing guide. Then you can check out existing issues that are open for contribution; new features and issues are welcome. To work on any issue, comment on the issue to indicate your interest and the issue will be assigned to you. It is always a good idea to seek for clarification (where necessary) on any issue before you work on it.

It is important that changes that require some form of configuration be documented in the README.

Copying and License

This project is copyright (c) 2017 CodeForAfrica.

It is open and licensed under the MIT License.