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Releases: CodeWitchBella/itt2021-host

Oculus Quest 2 release

08 Oct 15:56
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For desktop version see v12 release

This version supports oculus quest 2 🎉. It probably also works on quest 1, but I did not try that. To install this on your headset use SideQuest.

Version without time-gating

06 Jun 11:55
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Global time-gating is removed and replaced with peer-to-peer alternative. Everything else is the same.

Linux users: the .tar.gz and .tar.xz have the same contents. You probably want to use xz because it's smaller, but since xz is not available on every distro by default I also uploaded gzip version as an alternative for your convenience.

Final version for exhibition

06 Jun 11:39
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This is the version which was used for final exhibition. It is time-locked, so if you don't control the server which controls the time settings it's probably not much use unfortunately.