A tiny bus app that's finally being open sourced. Come check us out @ http://allb.us
Note: We're currently allbus'. (Here be dragons, local style)
You'll need to make sure Python (2.7.X) and Ansible 2.0+ is installed on your machine to run the Vagrant provisioner.
pip install ansible==
You need to register for an API KEY.
Without it, nothing will work. :)
ALLBUS_DIR=<path_to_allbus_location> THEBUS_API_CLIENT_TOKEN=<api_key_from_previous_step> vagrant up
vagrant ssh
sudo -u allbus /bin/bash
- `source /var/www/applications/allbus_production/venvs/current/bin/activate && pip install django==1.9.12
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=config.settings
cd /var/www/applications/allbus_production/app/current/etc/
pip install django==1.10.4
- Open your browser to http://localhost:50808/explore/feed
*On your local machine (not in vagrant) - at some point, will move to Vagrant
- cd allbus-frontend
- npm run dev
- Open your browser to http://localhost:8080
- Profit!
Here are things that still need to be done:
- Need to hook in a modern front end
- Need to internationalize it
- Need to hook in a websocket implementation to bring in gtfs real-time feed