Codego Sandbox github is an demontration of how the sandbox api will work on your whitelabel system.To run this script you need to create sandbox account on to get your api keys
##System Requirements manual installation PHP 8.0 or above
##what you need to do to see landing Page
- Assuming your on Linux and have composer installed then all you have to do , clone or download git :
unpack downloaded zip file to say your Desktop. and upload on your server
- Make sure permissions are read and write for user, group and everybody else to the folder
##Make Changes in .htacess file on root
If the script has to run in a subfolder then define RewriteBase /yourfoldername in .htacess file But if its running on root then define RewriteBase /y
Ubuntu 22.04 automatic installation
in ssh ubuntu server digit :
- wget
- chmod +x
- ./
- edit apache.conf in this folder /etc/apache/apache.conf
- change from <Directory /var/www/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Require all granted
<Directory /var/www/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Require all granted
- service apache2 restart
- Installation Done
##How to get credentials to get started
create a new sandbox account here and you will get the credentials
These credentials you have to set in file app\Config\Constants.php
define('CLIENT_KEY', ''); //copy paste client key here define('SECRET_KEY', ''); //copy paste secret key here define('API_KEY', ''); //copy paste API key here define('WHITELABEL_ID', ''); //copy paste whitelabel id here
##set the authentication token
To get a authentication token please run URL with an authentication code will be populated.Copy that code and set in file app\Config\Constants.php
define('AUTHTOKEN', ''); //copy paste authentication token here
Once you create the token remove the file app\Controllers\Auth.php from server
##Setup captcha keys
Before run the application you need to setup the google captcha keys populate captcha keys for your server from here
Setup the keys here in file app\Config\Constants.php
define('GOOGLE_SITE_KEY', ''); define('GOOGLE_SECRET_KEY', ''); define('GOOGLE_HOST', '');
Once all these settings done start signup for your whitelabel