Token allows you to calculate a valid token for the current time and the time before or after. This token is based on the session code, a salt, and time server.
composer require coercive/token
use Coercive\Security\Token\Token;
# REQUIRED : if not, Token throws you an exception
$Token = new Token(128, 'mySalt0123');
// The first parameter is the length of the random string used in the token
// The second parameter is the custom salt used in the token
// The thirth parameter allow you to specify where the token datas will be store
// The thourth parameter allow you to specify a name for the default global token (if noname)
# CREATE a token
$myKey = $Token->create('example');
# SEND this token with a form (for example)
# and test like this
if( $Token->check( $myKey , 'example' ) ) {
echo 'Good token !';
} else {
die('Wrong token detected');
For form load by AJAX or other complex detection
$Token->check( $myKey , 'example', '');
# OR
$Token->check( $myKey , 'example', [
Get token for others usages
# A basic random string
# A uniq id based on session, salt, random string...
# A basic (unsafe) token based on datetime
# You can use a crypt for customise the timer token
$crypt = 1234567890;