Which president served from 1789 until 1797?`George Washington`Washington Which president served from 1797 until 1801?`John Adams`Adams Which president served from 1801 until 1809?`Thomas Jefferson`Jefferson Which president served from 1809 until 1817?`James Madison`Madison Which president served from 1817 until 1825?`James Monroe`Monroe Which president served from 1825 until 1829?`John Quincy Adams`Quincy Adams Which president served from 1829 until 1837?`Andrew Jackson`Jackson Which president served from 1837 until 1841?`Martin Van Buren`Van Buren Which president served in 1841?`William Henry Harrison`Henry Harrison Which president served from 1841 util 1845?`John Tyler`Tyler Which president served from 1845 until 1849?`James K. Polk`James K Polk`James Polk`Polk Which president served from 1849 until 1850?`Zachary Taylor`Taylor Which president served from 1850 until 1853?`Millard Fillmore`Fillmore Which president served from 1853 until 1857?`Franklin Pierce`Pierce Which president served from 1857 until 1861?`James Buchanan`Buchanan Which president served from 1861 until 1865?`Abraham Lincoln`Lincoln Which president served from 1865 until 1869?`Andrew Johnson Which president served from 1869 until 1877?`Ulysses S. Grant`Ulysses S Grant`Ulysses Grant`Grant Which president served from 1877 until 1881?`Rutherford B. Hayes`Rutherford B Hayes`Rutherford Hayes`Hayes Which president served in 1881?`James Garfield`Garfield Which president served from 1881 until 1885?`Chester A. Arthur`Chester A Arthur`Chester Arthur`Arthur Which president served from 1885 until 1889?`Grover Cleveland`Cleveland Which president served from 1889 until 1893?`Benjamin Harrison Which president served from 1893 until 1897?`Grover Cleveland`Cleveland Which president served from 1897 until 1901?`William McKinley`McKinley Which president served from 1901 until 1909?`Theodore Roosevelt`Teddy Roosevelt Which president served from 1909 until 1913?`William H. Taft`William H Taft`William Taft`Taft Which president served from 1913 until 1921?`Woodrow Wilson`Wilson Which president served from 1921 until 1923?`Warren G. Harding`Warren G Harding`Warren Harding`Harding Which president served from 1923 until 1929?`Calvin Coolidge`Coolidge Which president served from 1929 until 1933?`Herbert C. Hoover`Herbert C Hoover`Herbert Hoover`Hoover Which president served from 1933 until 1945?`Franklin D. Roosevelt`Franklin D Roosevelt`Franklin Roosevelt Which president served from 1945 until 1953?`Harry S. Truman`Harry S Truman`Harry Truman`Truman Which president served from 1953 until 1961?`Dwight D. Eisenhower`Dwight D Eisenhower`Dwight Eisenhower`Eisenhower Which president served from 1961 until 1963?`John F. Kennedy`John F Kennedy`John Kennedy`Kennedy Which president served from 1963 until 1969?`Lyndon B. Johnson`Lyndon B Johnson`Lyndon Johnson Which president served from 1969 until 1974?`Richard M. Nixon`Richard M Nixon`Richard Nixon`Nixon Which president served from 1974 until 1977?`Gerald R. Ford`Gerald R Ford`Gerald Ford`Ford Which president served from 1977 until 1981?`Jimmy E. Carter`Jimmy E Carter`Jimmy Carter`Carter Which president served from 1981 until 1989?`Ronald W. Reagan`Ronald W Reagan`Ronald Reagan`Reagan Which president served from 1989 until 1993?`George H.W. Bush`George H.W Bush`George HW Bush Which president served from 1993 until 2001?`Bill J. Clinton`Bill J Clinton`Bill Clinton`Clinton Which president served from 2001 until 2009?`George W. Bush`George W Bush Which president served from 2009 until 2017?`Barack H. Obama`Barack H Obama`Barack Obama`Obama Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/iJKVcpA.jpg`George Washington`Washington Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/WPdInrR.jpg`John Adams`Adams Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/2BCNePm.jpg`Thomas Jefferson`Jefferson Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/FWtWV0g.jpg`James Madison`Madison Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/pIEelgL.gif`James Monroe`Monroe Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/b6WtCun.jpg`John Quincy Adams`Quincy Adams Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/ccXDP9x.jpg`Andrew Jackson`Jackson Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/ivkZefz.jpg`Martin Van Buren`Van Buren Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/KifNHg7.jpg`William Henry Harrison`Henry Harrison Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/BsfXNk0.jpg`John Tyler`Tyler Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/dRBWs7T.jpg`James K. Polk`James K Polk`James Polk`Polk Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/ImLyvUp.png`Zachary Taylor`Taylor Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/lJaPKsP.jpg`Millard Fillmore`Fillmore Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/PvRj6KA.jpg`Franklin Pierce`Pierce Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/W41ZCxG.jpg`James Buchanan`Buchanan Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/vFbSegu.jpg`Abraham Lincoln`Lincoln Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/f6jJEcc.jpg`Andrew Johnson Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/9t481Qw.jpg`Ulysses S. Grant`Ulysses S Grant`Ulysses Grant`Grant Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/jSbGLzR.jpg`Rutherford B. Hayes`Rutherford B Hayes`Rutherford Hayes`Hayes Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/VNb91yR.jpg`James Garfield`Garfield Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/ASRe28K.jpg`Chester A. Arthur`Chester A Arthur`Chester Arthur`Arthur Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/wj3eZKm.jpg`Grover Cleveland`Cleveland Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/nJYNS0d.jpg`Benjamin Harrison Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/l3XgV5G.jpg`William McKinley`McKinley Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/e4Wsk42.jpg`Theodore Roosevelt`Teddy Roosevelt Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/81WYoEb.jpg`William H. Taft`William H Taft`William Taft`Taft Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/LErT67k.jpg`Woodrow Wilson`Wilson Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/uyrVUgM.jpg`Warren G. Harding`Warren G Harding`Warren Harding`Harding Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/rWtHiOZ.jpg`Calvin Coolidge`Coolidge Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/dNWBwx4.png`Herbert C. Hoover`Herbert C Hoover`Herbert Hoover`Hoover Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/rXbOeEy.jpg`Franklin D. Roosevelt`Franklin D Roosevelt`Franklin Roosevelt Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/KJoxPI4.jpg`Harry S. Truman`Harry S Truman`Harry Truman`Truman Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/lk4wlUE.jpg`Dwight D. Eisenhower`Dwight D Eisenhower`Dwight Eisenhower`Eisenhower Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/SkLVqWu.jpg`John F. Kennedy`John F Kennedy`John Kennedy`Kennedy Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/0TkCs8X.jpg`Lyndon B. Johnson`Lyndon B Johnson`Lyndon Johnson Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/J4tp2m4.jpg`Richard M. Nixon`Richard M Nixon`Richard Nixon`Nixon Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/mIxeVOl.jpg`Gerald R. Ford`Gerald R Ford`Gerald Ford`Ford Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/jbScNPR.jpg`Jimmy E. Carter`Jimmy E Carter`Jimmy Carter`Carter Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/1Yy4XPr.jpg`Ronald W. Reagan`Ronald W Reagan`Ronald Reagan`Reagan Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/7ooxEbO.jpg`George H.W. Bush`George H.W Bush`George HW Bush Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/yniRyy7.jpg`Bill J. Clinton`Bill J Clinton`Bill Clinton`Clinton Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/suovmuA.jpg`George W. Bush`George W Bush Who is the president pictured below? https://i.imgur.com/iTWkMMQ.jpg`Barack H. Obama`Barack H Obama`Barack Obama`Obama Who was the first president to be featured on a postage stamp?`George Washington`Washington Which of the presidents was known for having a lisp?`John Adams`Adams Which of the presidents pioneered the Agrarian philosophy?`Thomas Jefferson`Jefferson Who was the shortest president ever at 5 feet and 4 inches?`James Madison`Madison Who is the only president to have a foreign capital named after him?`James Monroe`Monroe Who was the only president to take office despite losing both the popular and electoral votes?`John Quincy Adams`Quincy Adams Which of the presidents was nicknamed "Old Hickory"?`Andrew Jackson`Jackson Who was the only president that did not speak English as his first language?`Martin Van Buren`Van Buren Which president served for the shortest amount of time at only 31 days?`William Henry Harrison`Henry Harrison Which of the presidents aspired to become a concert violinist?`John Tyler`Tyler During whose presidency was the term "Manifest Destiny" first used?`James K. Polk`James K Polk`James Polk`Polk Which of the presidents was nicknamed "Old Rough and Ready"?`Zachary Taylor`Taylor Which of the presidents married his own teacher?`Millard Fillmore`Fillmore Which of the presidents was known for his heavy alcoholic drinking?`Franklin Pierce`Pierce Who was the only president to remain a lifelong bachelor?`James Buchanan`Buchanan Which of the presidents signed the Emancipation Proclamation?`Abraham Lincoln`Lincoln Who was the only president to never attend any form of school?`Andrew Johnson Which president had the first name of Hiram?`Ulysses S. Grant`Ulysses S Grant`Ulysses Grant`Grant Which of the presidents banned alcohol from the White House?`Rutherford B. Hayes`Rutherford B Hayes`Rutherford Hayes`Hayes Which of the presidents was said to be able to write a sentence in Latin with one hand and in Greek with the other?`James Garfield`Garfield Which of the presidents owned at least 80 pairs of pants?`Chester A. Arthur`Chester A Arthur`Chester Arthur`Arthur Who was the only president to serve non-consecutive terms?`Grover Cleveland`Cleveland Which of the presidents was notably afraid of electricity?`Benjamin Harrison Whose presidential inauguration was the first to be filmed?`William McKinley`McKinley Who was the first president to win a Nobel Peace Prize?`Theodore Roosevelt`Teddy Roosevelt Who was the only president serve as Chief Justice after leaving office?`William H. Taft`William H Taft`William Taft`Taft Who was the only president to ever earn a doctorate degree?`Woodrow Wilson`Wilson Which of the presidents officially ended World War I?`Warren G. Harding`Warren G Harding`Warren Harding`Harding Who was the only president to be born on Independence Day?`Calvin Coolidge`Coolidge Which of the presidents learned to fluently speak Mandarin Chinese?`Herbert C. Hoover`Herbert C Hoover`Herbert Hoover`Hoover Who was the longest-serving president at 12 years?`Franklin D. Roosevelt`Franklin D Roosevelt`Franklin Roosevelt Which of the presidents worked as a timekeeper for the Sante Fe Railroad?`Harry S. Truman`Harry S Truman`Harry Truman`Truman Who was the first president to ride in a helicopter?`Dwight D. Eisenhower`Dwight D Eisenhower`Dwight Eisenhower`Eisenhower Who was the first Roman Catholic president?`John F. Kennedy`John F Kennedy`John Kennedy`Kennedy Which president was known for continuing conversation as he relieved himself?`Lyndon B. Johnson`Lyndon B Johnson`Lyndon Johnson Who was the only president to ever resign from office?`Richard M. Nixon`Richard M Nixon`Richard Nixon`Nixon Which of the presidents almost became a professional NFL player?`Gerald R. Ford`Gerald R Ford`Gerald Ford`Ford Which of the presidents was a peanut farmer?`Jimmy E. Carter`Jimmy E Carter`Jimmy Carter`Carter Which of the presidents was known for his love of jelly beans?`Ronald W. Reagan`Ronald W Reagan`Ronald Reagan`Reagan Which of the presidents was outspoken about his hatred of brocolli?`George H.W. Bush`George H.W Bush`George HW Bush Which of the presidents was infamous for his scandal with Monica Lewinsky?`Bill J. Clinton`Bill J Clinton`Bill Clinton`Clinton Which of the presidents was the first governor to be elected to two consecutive terms?`George W. Bush`George W Bush Who was the first African American to be elected as president?`Barack H. Obama`Barack H Obama`Barack Obama`Obama