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LoL v1.0.2

In order for this code to work, you must have mysql installed. On mac, the easiest way to do this is through brew,

$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

$ brew install mysql

Make copy of and rename it create a file called skiplist.tsv

you can run from command line to do certain things. however it is primarily optimized for importing as a module python -s [True/False]

-s : option declares whether ssh is being used or not

To Import as Module:

clone the repo. change directory to the repo.

$ python install

$ easy_install LoL

if "easy_install LoL" does not immediately work, try: $ pip install .

then you should be able to add the following line to gain access to the lol module from lol import LoL

Troubleshooting Install:

may need to run: $ sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev if you get "EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found"

if your machine does not have cryptography: For Debian and Ubuntu, the following command will ensure that the required dependencies are installed:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev For Fedora and RHEL-derivatives, the following command will ensure that the required dependencies are installed:

$ sudo yum install gcc libffi-devel python-devel openssl-devel You should now be able to build and install cryptography with the usual

$ pip install cryptography


LoLS = LoL.Scraper(ssh = True, use_curses = False, rate_limiting = False, skipfile = False)

##setting ssh = True uses the SSH = True ssh tunneling protocol from, whereas False treats it as if its local host connection ##setting use_curses = True will print through curses rather than print.. ##setting rate_limiting = True will check to see if the key can be used before ever call. ##setting rate = "Fast" will change rate Limits to fast rate limit (1500 requests 10 seconds && 90000 requests 600 seconds) ## default of slow (10 requests 10 seconds, 500 requests 600 seconds) ##setting skipfile to a location will have the module version look for the skiplist.tsv file you created in a location you choose. Otherwise it will assume the file is in your working directory.


update_table(table= "create", create = False) -------------# creates tables default is false, using create_tables, you can set this true while using any other pseudo-function below

update_table("challenger",queue = "RANKED_TEAM_5x5") -------------# pulls down all members of division I of challenger in given queue, queue is defaulted to 'RANKED_TEAM_5x5' # set queue to: # RANKED_SOLO_5x5 # RANKED_TEAM_3x3 # RANKED_TEAM_5x5

update_table("master", queue = "RANKED_TEAM_5x5") -------------# same as above, but for master division I

update_table("checkteams", teamIds= False, ignore_skiplist = False, allow_updates = False) -- teamIds takes list ; [] -------------# this checks the team table and grabs a list of all the ids. it then gets the league information for each team. # if you supply this with a list of teamIds it will just do those. # setting ignore_skiplist = True will ignore the list that generates whenever the code skips an entry because of no data (this feature was added because of the RANKED_TEAM_5x5 fiasco) # setting allow_updates = True, will allow you ignore the skiplist and will ignore the 'existing entries' and re-call every team in teamIds. This is used to add a new entry if their ranking is different than in the database.

update_table("team", teamIds=False, checkTeams=False) -- teamIds takes list ; [] -------------# this is the primary mechanism, it grabs all the team ids from the by-league table and gets all the information from the team api # it then sorts it into team, team-history, and team-roster tables. # Additionally, this table can be supplied with pretty much any length of team ids and it will iterate through those instead # setting checkTeams to true, automatically calls the update_table("checkteams") function; you can pass any variables you'd pass to checkteams and it will pass through this. (but use default teamIds variable)

update_table("iterate",iteratestart=1, iterate=100, checkTeams=False) -------------# give this function a starting id and it will search for all team-ids associated with that id. # it will do this [iterate] number of times. Once the list is compiled, it sends it through update_table("team") # optionally you can set it so that it will also automatically run update_table("checkteams") to verify [by setting checkTeams=True]. # Note: if you want to start at id "1" and end at id "100" you would need to set iteratestart=1, iterate=100 # This function will now iterate through keys in the same way check teams does

update_table("all") -------------# this function will cycle from updating challenger -> master -> team -> checkteam, will not do iterate # this function takes all variables that challenger, master, team, and checkteam take. with the exception of "teamIds", that uses default.

update_table("match", matchIds=False, timeline=False, timeline_update=False, allow_updates=False) -- matchIds takes list ; [] -------------# this function will import all non-timeline data from a given list of matchIds. if no matchIds are supplied, it will automatically search through the list of matchIds in 'team-history' # timeline=True will now import timeline data too # timeline and regular match data are treated differently. The function makes a skiplist for existing matches, and a separate one for existing timelines. all non-timeline data will be # skipped if the matchid is in the matches table. However, timeline data will still be processed if timeline is set to true. # timeline_update = True will override the default 'search through team history' and only update matches that have been collected and are missing timelines. # allow_updates=True in conjunction with either providing a list of matchIds or not, will no longer exclude existing matches. This is primarily being used to fix timeline info (no long insert into, now replace into)

update_table("membertiers", matchIds=False, ignore_skiplist = False, allow_updates = False) -- matchIds takes list ; [] -------------# this function is essentially the same as the 'checkteams' functionality however this will search a given match and scrape the league data for all the players in that match # if you want to just do all the matches in the database (match table), don't set matchIds to anything. # setting ignore_skiplist = True will ignore the list that generates whenever the code skips an entry because of no data (this feature was added because of the RANKED_TEAM_5x5 fiasco) # setting allow_updates = True, will allow you ignore the skiplist and will ignore the 'existing entries' and re-call every team in teamIds. This is used to add a new entry if their ranking is different than in the database.

update_table("individualhistory", summonerIds = False, just_teams = True, allow_updates = False, season=None, end_time=None) -- summonerIds takes list ; [] -------------# this function adds individual history to the individual_history table. you can supply it with a list of summonerIds if you wish # additionally, if you do not supply with summonerIds, the function takes a look at the just_teams option. if just_teams is set to true # we query all summoner ids in the 'team roster' list and update all of them. if just_teams is False, we use all the summoner ids in the match_participants table [much longer] # allow_updates = True, will no longer skip 'existing entries' so that you can check to see if any people have played more matches. # season must be set to "SEASON3", "SEASON2014", "SEASON2015", "SEASON2016", "PRESEASON3", "PRESEASON2014", "PRESEASON2015", "PRESEASON2016", or None. # end_time must be millisecond level epoch time -- 1457111882000 for example

update_table("stats", summonerIds = False, season=None, allow_updates = False) -- summonerIds takes list ; [] -------------# this function adds the summary 'stats' stats table. you can supply it with a list of summonerIds if you wish. # additionally, if you do not supply with summonerIds, the function takes at the summoner_list table (all the individual histories that have been updated) # season must be set to, None or "ALL" [they are equivalently treated by the function], other accepted values are "3", "2014", "2015", and "2016". # season also supports lists of seasons. you can supply season = ["3", "2015"], and only those will be run. Any invalid entries will be discarded # allow_updates = True is not fully supported yet, please don't use.

## FOR ANY "TABLE" in the UPDATE_TABLE() FUNCTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Hangwait -- default False # setting hangwait="true" enables the function to keep attempting the call until it is allowed through with the current key. # Hangwait is default false, but that only applies if there is only 1 key in your credentials file. # Feedback -- default "all" # setting feedback="all" will print all errors, print a completion statement when a step is finished, and print updates # setting feedback="quiet" will print only uncommon problem errors (duplicate entry errors are silenced), and will print completion statements when long steps are finished # setting feedback="silent" will suppress all printing # suppress_duplicates -- default False # setting suppress_duplicates=True will suppress printing of duplicate entry errors. this only effects feedback="all" as the script overrides this setting for quiet and silent modes # create -- default False # setting create=True will look at the create_tables function within the Scraper class. create_tables will check if all tables in the function exist, and it will create any missing ones. # still debugging this to allow for initial database creation

## Helpful SQL Commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## to get data size #SELECT TABLE_NAME, TABLE_ROWS, DATA_LENGTH / (1024*1024) as "Data Length in MB", INDEX_LENGTH / (1024*1024) as "Index Length in MB", (DATA_LENGTH + INDEX_LENGTH) / (1024*1024) as "Total in MB" FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = (SELECT DATABASE()) GROUP BY TABLE_NAME ORDER BY "Total in MB";

##FUTURE UPDATES;; #implement skiplist for other tables (matches, teams, ind_history [if such a case arises], etc.).


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