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Releases: Knotx/knotx


08 Dec 19:35
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1.6.0 Pre-release

This version is dependency updates only, no new features or bugfixes. If you are upgrading from older than 1.5.0 version, follow the Upgrade Notes for 1.5 first. For security reasons, Vert.x was upgraded to 3.9.0.

Breaking changes

  • After upgrading, endpoints with csrf enabled, return 500 instead of 403 when requested without proper header.
  • After upgrading, when requesting with invalid query, 500 is returned instead of 400.

Binaries and dependency information for Maven, Ivy, Gradle and others can be found at


22 Aug 13:13
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Release notes available here:


11 Oct 06:39
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What's new

  • PR-427 - HttpRepositoryConnectorProxyImpl logging improvements
  • PR-422 - Configurable Handlebars delimiters
  • PR-428 - Mark all Service Knot related classes deprecated.
  • PR-432 - Port unit and integration tests to JUnit 5
  • PR-440 - Enable different Vert.x Config stores types fix.
  • PR-443 - Update maven plugins versions.
  • PR-445 - Vert.x version upgrade to 3.5.3
  • PR-458 - Remove unused StringToPattern function

Binaries and dependency information for Maven, Ivy, Gradle and others can be found at


18 May 10:09
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What's new

  • PR-376 - Knot.x configurations refactor - Changed the way how configurations and it's defaults are build.
  • PR-384 - Introduce Knot.x server backpressure mechanism
  • PR-397 - Introduce vertx-config module to enable configuration modularization and auto-reload. Thanks to this change, Knot.x instance Auto-redeploy itself
    after the configuration is changed, multiple configuration files format is supported (with favouring the HOCON and supporting nested configurations (includes).
  • PR-399 - Make knotx-core more concise and merge base Knot.x concepts into a single module
  • PR-404 - Refactoring of Knot.x Launcher, get rid of some messy hacks. That enables cleaner way to start Knot.x and extend launcher with custom commands.
  • PR-405 - Switched to BOM style dependencies: knotx-dependencies that define all common dependencies and their versions.
  • PR-406 - standalone module is not conceptually a part of Knot.x core. It was extracted to separate concept and will be available from now in knotx-stack repository.
  • PR-407 - Added vertx hooks to properly terminate instance on fatal failure, like missing configurations etc.
  • PR-411 - example module is not conceptually a part of Knot.x core and having it in the core repository was misleading. integration-tests module introduced here.
  • PR-412 - Knot.x core modules will use dependencies in provided scope, all dependencies will be provided by knotx-stack setup.
  • PR-415 - bugfix: headers configurations (e.g. allowedHeaders) are now case insensitive
  • PR-418 - Update to Vert.x 3.5.1
  • PR-419 - Knotx snippets parameters prefix is now customizable.
  • PR-421 - Support for system properties injection in HOCON config file

Binaries and dependency information for Maven, Ivy, Gradle and others can be found at


08 May 07:37
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What's new

  • PR-395 - Fix for #394 - implemented encoding request parameter names in HttpRepositoryConnectorProxyImpl
  • PR-420 - Upgrade vert.x to 3.5.1

Binaries and dependency information for Maven, Ivy, Gradle and others can be found at



16 Feb 08:28
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What's new

  • PR-385 - Fix for #107 - Support for snippet tags other than script

Binaries and dependency information for Maven, Ivy, Gradle and others can be found at



08 Feb 10:12
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What's new

  • PR-345 - Update to Vert.x 3.5 and RxJava 2. Most notable changes are upgrade of Vert.x and RxJava.
    The API is changed, so your custom implementations need to adopt to the latest APIs both of Vert.x and RxJava.
  • PR-320 - Now you can configure the file-uploads folder for POST requests. See Server options for details.
  • PR-347 - You can now add custom response header to the Server. Also custom header can be added to repository & service requests.
  • PR-349 - You can pass Delivery Options to Knot.x Verticles e.g. to manipulate eventbus response timeouts.
    For more details see documentation sections in [[Server|Server#vertx-event-bus-delivery-options]], [[Action Knot|ActionKnot#vertx-event-bus-delivery-options]] and [[Service Knot|ServiceKnot#vertx-event-bus-delivery-options]].
  • PR-354 - You can now enable XSRF protection on default or custom flow at any path. See [[Server|Server#how-to-enable-csrf-token-generation-and-validation]] for details.
  • PR-359 - From now on Knot.x responses with the response of a repository in case of response with status code different than 200.
    You may play with displayExceptionDetails flag
    in order to receive errors stack traces.
  • PR-369 - Better support for SSL for Repository Connector. Please check the documentation of [[HttpRepositoryConnector|HttpRepositoryConnector#how-to-configure-ssl-connection-to-the-repository]] for details of how to setup SSL connection.
  • PR-372 - Added cache for compiled Handlebars snippets, you may configure it in Handlebars config, see more in [[Handlebars Knot docs|HandlebarsKnot#how-to-configure]].
  • PR-374 - Enable keepAlive connection in http client options. This is important fix and we recommend to update your existing configuration of any http client and enable keepAlive option.
  • PR-379 - Added access logging capabilities to the Knotx HTTP Server. Establish standard configuration of logback logger. Check [[Configure Access Log|Server#configure-access-log]] to see how to configure access logs, and [[Logging|Logging]] to see how loggers can be configured to log to console, files for knot.x, access & netty logs.

Find all changes in Changelog.
This version documentation is available at Wiki Documentation 1.2.0

Binaries and dependency information for Maven, Ivy, Gradle and others can be found at



29 Sep 08:06
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What's new

  • PR-318 - Knot.x returns exit code 30 in case of missing config
  • PR-332 - Fixed timeout issues when deploying verticles in Junit Rule
  • PR-335 - Added support for HttpServerOptions on the configuration level.
  • PR-328 - Knot.x ignore config parts related to not existing modules and allows to start the instance with warnings

Binaries and dependency information for Maven, Ivy, Gradle and others can be found at



27 Jul 08:55
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What's new

  • PR-316 - Gateway Processor has access to request body
  • PR-307 - Fixed KnotxServer default configuration

Binaries and dependency information for Maven, Ivy, Gradle and others can be found at



20 Jun 17:19
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What's new

  • PR-293 - Use vert.x WebClient and RxJava Single
  • PR-294 - Replace deprecated rx methods
  • PR-295 - Javadocs for core classes
  • PR-296 - Support for params on markup and config
  • PR-299 - Customize request routing outside knots
  • PR-300 - Change the default configuration for tests execution
  • PR-306 - Additional parameters to adapter from template

Binaries and dependency information for Maven, Ivy, Gradle and others can be found at
