#!/usr/bin/env python # Invoke this script with --help for documentation. # Download link: https://github.com/Colvars/colvars/blob/master/colvartools/plot_colvars_traj.py?raw=true # Contact: giacomo.fiorin@gmail.com from __future__ import print_function import os import sys if (sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 7)): # Save some explanations print("Python versions prior to 2.7 are no longer supported.") sys.exit(1) import numpy as np class Colvar_traj(object): """ Class holding the trajectory of a collective variable. The series of step numbers are included as well, because collective variables may be added or deleted during a simulation. """ _name = "" _step = np.empty(shape=(0)) _colvar = np.empty(shape=(0)) def __init__(self, name): """Sets the name of the variable""" self._name = name self._step = np.zeros(shape=(0), dtype=np.int64) self._colvar = np.zeros(shape=(0), dtype=np.float) def __len__(self): """Returns the length of the trajectory""" return len(self._step) def __str__(self): """String representation of the trajectory""" return """Trajectory of collective variable '%s': Steps = [%d ... %d] Values = [%f ... %f]""" % (self._name, self._step[0], self._step[-1], self._colvar[0], self._colvar[-1]) def _set_num_dimensions(self, n_d): """Set the number of components of the collective variable""" if (len(self) > 0): print("Warning: changing the number of dimensions " "of collective variable \""+self._name+ "\" after it has already been read.") if (n_d > 1): self._colvar.resize((len(self), n_d)) else: self._colvar.resize((len(self))) def _resize(self, n): """Change the number of records in the trajectory""" self._step.resize((n)) if (len(self._colvar.shape) > 1): self._colvar.resize((n, self._colvar.shape[1])) else: self._colvar.resize((n)) @property def name(self): """The name of the collective variable""" return self._name @property def num_dimensions(self): """Dimensionality of the collective variable (d)""" s = self._colvar.shape if (len(s) > 1): return s[1] else: return 1 @property def num_frames(self): """Number of trajectory frames loaded (n)""" return len(self._step) @property def steps(self): """The array of step numbers, with shape = (n,)""" return self._step @property def values(self): """The array of collective variable values, with shape = (n, d)""" return self._colvar class Colvars_traj(object): """Trajectories of collective variables, as read from a list of colvars.traj files. Can be accessed as a dictionary using a variable's name as key; each variable's trajectory is an instance of colvars_traj""" _keys = [] _start = {} _end = {} _colvars = {} _found = {} _frame = -1 def __init__(self, filenames=None, first=0, last=-1, every=1): """ Initialize from the given list of colvars.traj files Any optional arguments are passed to read_files() """ self._keys = ['step'] self._start['step'] = 0 self._end['step'] = -1 self._count = 0 self._frame = 0 if filenames: self.read_files(filenames=filenames, first=first, last=last, every=every) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._colvars[key] def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._colvars def __str__(self): return """Set of collective variable trajectories: Variables = %s Number of frames = %d""" % (self.variables, self.num_frames) @property def num_frames(self): """Number of trajectory frames loaded""" return self._frame @property def variables(self): """Names of variables defined""" return self._keys[1:] # The first entry is "step" def _parse_comment_line(self, line): """ Read in a comment line from a colvars.traj file and update the names of collective variables according to the contents of the comment line. """ new_keys = (line[1:]).split() # Skip the hash char at position 0 if (new_keys[0] != 'step'): raise KeyError("Error: file format incompatible with colvars.traj") self._keys = new_keys # Find the boundaries of each column for i in range(1, len(self._keys)): self._start[self._keys[i]] = line.find(' '+self._keys[i]+' ') self._end[self._keys[i-1]] = line.find(' '+self._keys[i]+' ') self._end[self._keys[-1]] = -1 def _parse_line(self, line): """ Read in a data line from a colvars.traj file """ step = np.int64(line[0:self._end['step']]) for v in self._keys[1:]: text = line[self._start[v]:self._end[v]] v_v = np.fromstring(text.lstrip(' (').rstrip(') '), sep=',') n_d = len(v_v) if (v not in self._colvars): self._colvars[v] = Colvar_traj(v) self._colvars[v]._set_num_dimensions(n_d) cv = self._colvars[v] n = len(cv) cv._resize(n+1) cv.steps[n] = step cv.values[n] = v_v def read_files(self, filenames, list_variables=False, first=0, last=-1, every=1): """ Read a series of colvars.traj files. filenames : list of strings list of file names to read from list_variables : bool if true, return the list of variable names defined before the first data line first : int skip all records before this index (see also mol load in VMD) last : int stop reading after this record every : int read every these many records """ last = np.int64(last) if (last == -1): last = np.int64(np.iinfo(np.int64).max) last_step = -1 for f in [open(filename) for filename in filenames]: for line in f: if (len(line) == 0): continue if (line[:1] == "@"): continue # xmgr file metadata if (line[:1] == "#"): self._parse_comment_line(line) continue if list_variables: return self.variables step = np.int64(line[0:self._end['step']]) if (step == last_step): continue if ((self._frame >= first) and (self._frame <= last) and (self._frame % every == 0)): self._parse_line(line) self._frame += 1 last_step = step if (__name__ == '__main__'): import argparse parser = \ argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Select variables from one or more ' 'Colvars trajectory files, and write them to ' 'a concatenated file, or optionally plot them ' '(1D graph) as a function of time or of ' 'one of the variables.'+os.linesep+ 'Plotting functions are only available when ' 'Matplotlib is available.', \ formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument(dest='filenames', nargs='*', type=str, help='Space-separated list of .colvars.traj files ' '(will be concatenated)', default=[]) parser.add_argument('--dt', type=float, help='Integration time step', default=2.0e-6) parser.add_argument('--first-frame', dest='first', type=np.int64, help='First frame to read', default=0) parser.add_argument('--last-frame', dest='last', type=np.int64, help='Last frame to read', default=-1) parser.add_argument('--skip-frames', dest='skip', type=np.int64, help='Read every these many frames', default=1) parser.add_argument('--variables', nargs='*', type=str, help='Space-separated list of names of collective ' 'variables to write or plot.', default=[]) parser.add_argument('--list-variables', action='store_true', help='List all names of collective variables ' 'defined up until the first line of data.', default=False) parser.add_argument('--output-file', type=str, help='Write the selected variables to a text file. ' 'The step number is always included as the first ' 'column, and all variables ' 'must be defined on the same trajectory segments.', default=None) parser.add_argument('--plot-file', type=str, help='Plot into a file with this name if the ' 'extension is one of "png", "pdf", "ps", "eps", ' 'or "svg", or to the screen if not given ' 'and --output-file is also not given.', default=None) parser.add_argument('--plot-x-axis', type=str, help='Use this variable as X axis in the plot.', default='time') parser.add_argument('--plot-x-label', type=str, help='Use this label for the X axis.', default=None) parser.add_argument('--plot-y-label', type=str, help='Use this label for the Y axis.', default=None) parser.add_argument('--plot-keys', nargs='*', type=str, help='Alternative names for the legend', default=[]) parser.add_argument('--plot-time-factor', type=int, help='Average these many consecutive frames ' 'together before plotting but after reading ' 'from files', default=1) args = parser.parse_args() if (len(args.filenames) == 0): raise Exception("No filenames provided.") colvars_traj = Colvars_traj() r = colvars_traj.read_files(args.filenames, list_variables=args.list_variables, first=args.first, last=args.last, every=args.skip) if (args.list_variables): print(r) sys.exit() variables = args.variables for var in variables: try: cv = colvars_traj[var] except KeyError: print("ERROR: could not find \""+var+"\"; below are the available " "fields: ") print(" ", *colvars_traj.variables) raise KeyError if (len(variables) == 0): variables = colvars_traj.variables plot_keys = dict(zip(variables, variables)) if (args.output_file): fmt = " %12d" columns = [colvars_traj[variables[0]].steps] for var in variables: cv = colvars_traj[var] for ic in range(cv.num_dimensions): y = cv.values if (cv.num_dimensions > 1): y = cv.values[:,ic] columns += [y] fmt += " %21.14f" columns = tuple(columns) output_file = args.output_file if (output_file == '-'): output_file = sys.stdout np.savetxt(fname=output_file, X=list(zip(*columns)), fmt=str(fmt)) else: import matplotlib plot_filename = None if (args.plot_file): plot_filename = args.plot_file if (not args.plot_file.lower().endswith(('png', 'pdf', 'ps', 'eps', 'svg'))): plot_filename = args.plot_file+".pdf" if (plot_filename): matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] = 10 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3.0, 3.0)) if (args.plot_x_label): plt.xlabel(args.plot_x_label) else: plt.xlabel(args.plot_x_axis) if (args.plot_y_label): plt.ylabel(args.plot_y_label) else: plt.ylabel('Variables') if (len(args.plot_keys)): if (len(args.plot_keys) != len(variables)): raise KeyError("--plot-keys must be as long " "as the number of variables.") else: plot_keys = dict(zip(variables, args.plot_keys)) time_unit = args.dt for var in variables: cv = colvars_traj[var] x = cv.steps if (args.plot_x_axis == 'time'): x = cv.steps * time_unit elif (args.plot_x_axis == 'step'): x = cv.steps else: x = colvars_traj[args.plot_x_axis].values if (args.plot_time_factor > 1): # Usually 1 start_ave = colvars_traj.num_frames % args.plot_time_factor x = x[start_ave:].reshape(x.shape[0]//args.plot_time_factor, args.plot_time_factor).mean(1) for ic in range(cv.num_dimensions): y = cv.values if (cv.num_dimensions > 1): y = cv.values[:,ic] if (args.plot_time_factor > 1): start_ave = colvars_traj.num_frames % args.plot_time_factor y = y[start_ave:].reshape(y.shape[0]//args.plot_time_factor, args.plot_time_factor).mean(1) plt.plot(x, y, '-', label=plot_keys[var], alpha=0.5) plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.tight_layout() if (plot_filename): plt.savefig(plot_filename) else: plt.show()