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PandwaRF Bare Settings

Djamil Elaidi edited this page Sep 6, 2018 · 3 revisions

The PandwaRF Bare doesn't include a battery, so if you intend to run the PandwaRF without battery there is special setting to do to make it work correctly.

When no battery is present, there are a lot of spurious interrupts caused by battery manager not finding the battery. This interrupts are causing side effects and for example, can cause FW update to fail. So you need to disable these interrupts when you don't have a battery.

Starting from Nordic v0.10.1, if you do not connect a battery to your PandwaRF (bare or normal version), you need to set battery capacity to 0 in BUS config (located in "Bus Service Ext." page). This will disable battery manager and spurious interrupts will disappear.

Note: Do not plug USB power (5V) onto the battery +/- locate on the bottom of the PCB. If you power the PandwaRF Bare with your own battery, it must be a 3.7V LiPo battery.


If you have a PandwaRF Bare, you need to set battery capacity to 0 in BUS config (located in "Bus Service Ext." page).

Project Information

PandwaRF Android Application (Normal Mode)

PandwaRF Android Application (Dev Mode)

Marauder Android Application

iOS Application



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