- Laura James
- John Wilbanks
- Heather Joseph
- Joe MacArthur
- Puneet Kishor
- Charles Oppenheim
- Cameron Neylon
The Advisory Board is primarily convened to provide advice and comment on:
- Strategic direction and priority of potential initiatives.
- Resourcing of mainstream activities including staffing.
- Current and future funding opportunities including business models.
- Strategic partnerships, outreach and advocacy activities.
- Barriers and organisational or external problems.
- Governance matters.
- Legal matters e.g. Intellectual property rights.
The role involves attending Advisory Board meetings at least quarterly and optionally monthly in addition to an in-person meeting and occasional email responses. We therefore ask a minimum of around two days time commitment from each board member.
Advisory members may be contacted on an ad hoc basis either individually or collectively regarding specific concerns but we expect communication to involve:
- Monthly Skype Calls - all welcome to attend if possible [iCal] (https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/f52br0te3h8pdlrb6onet8mri4%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics)
- Quarterly Skype Calls - all to attend. Doodle poll will be distributed after each meeting and calendar feed updated.
- Annual in-person board meeting - details TBC
Jenny Molloy will chair the Advisory Board meetings and act as the main point of contact.