The purpose of this project is to demonstrate what I have learned about JavaScript/React thus far. This project will be a recreation of my CorgiDev website. I added an extra blog page that interacts with an API to display posts and a form to add posts.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Node.js version 10.5.0+
- Npm version 6.4.1+
- A browser (tested with Google Chrome, IE, Edge and FireFox)
- A terminal that can use bash commands. GitBash recommended.
- Stop reading this for a moment and go download the project from GitHub.
- Open a terminal and navigate to inside the root folder of the project.
- Use the command 'npm install' to install any missing plugins needed by the site. This may take a few minutes......... ಠ_ಠ
- Type 'npm start' to start the site running. Leave the terminal open while viewing the site or it will stop running.
- The way this is set up it may open a browser window automatically. In case it does not, open a browser window and naviagte to 'localhost:3000' to access the site. The terminal will also provide you with an 'ipaddress:3000' version of the web address. This can be used as an alternative in the event that the localhost:3000 option does not work. The initial load of the page sometimes takes a moment. If it opens a page that says it can't load the page, wait a moment and then refresh the page. For some reason I have had that happen off and on.
- JavaScript - A dynamic programming language generally used to add dynamic features to a website.
- React - A JavaScript library.
- BootStrap - A popular framework that allows for easier visual customization.
- React-Router-Dom - This is a module of the React Router package.
- Node.js - A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
- Redux - An open-source JavaScript library for managing application state.
- React-Helmet - Allows you to set anything in the head of the document.
- Firebase - Firebase is a set of app tools offered by Google to help with hosting, storage, authentication, and more. I used their database tools.
- EGrayTech - Initial work - (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
- Patrick Chakravorty (Software Developer) - His article,Redux-A CRUD Example, on creating a CRUD app with Redux and React-Context really helped me to have a better grasp of how things work in general. Though I ended up swapping out a lot of what he did in order to connect to a Firebase database for data persistence and an API connection.
- Responsive design (can be done with bootstrap)
- Project is a React application capable of implementing the React framework.
- At least 3 nagivatable routes using React Router
- Must consume an API of your choosing. The API must accomplish one of the following:
- Fully CRUD-supported API and implement all 4 CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, and Delete)
- Select a read-only API and implement a "rich" interface using multiple resources. You should implement/read at least 5 resources, but are encouraged to pull in many elements.
- Your code has comments
- Must include a located in the top level directory of your project, which includes the following:
- A brief description of your project’s purpose and functionality (ex: “My Code Louisville FSJS Project. A web app designed to let users create their own To-Do lists, add items to the lists, and mark them as complete.”)
- Detailed steps of how to start the application, and any prerequisites to run it.
- Your code is in a GitHub repo on your own GitHub account.
- You cannot re-use a sample Treehouse project.
- Exceptions may be granted to these requirements if you have a particular project in mind that does not meet these requirements. Please discuss with your mentors or Brian if you have a project in mind.