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El Tabbal et al. 2020 "Removal of the extracellular matrix biases auditory cortical layer dynamics towards supragranular frequency integration"

A read me file for the code and data to reproduce the analysis done in the above mentioned paper

Dowloading the data required to reproduce the figures:

For running the code you will need to download the following data from the following link Within the folder, you will find the following data files:

  • all_animals_BF_singlesink_hyase_10thFeb2020.mat
  • ControlECMDATA.mat
  • DataforGroupanalysisHYASE.mat
  • EVOKEDPSD_10thFeb2020.mat
  • SpontaneousECMDATA.mat
  • SpontaneousPSD_10thFEB202.mat

The folder further contains the used code for n-way repeated measures ANOVAs within a zip-folder. After downloading all the files you need to download the MVGC_toolbox for granger causality ( along with the Chronux toolbox for oscillation analysis ( The available data are the single-trial traces of the current-source density (CSD) calculated by the laminar local field potential (cf. Happel et al., 2010; J Neurosci). Raw recording files (plx and mat format) can be obtained by the authors by request.

Usage of the code and reproduction of figures:

the following functions will help reproduce their corresponding figures

  1. Figure 2 and 3 can be reproduced using the function "Tabbal_et_al_CSD_group_Hyaseanalysis"
  2. Figure 4 can be reproduced using the function "Tabbal_et_al_OscillationHyase_at_BF_function_chronux"
  3. Figure 5 can be reproduced using the function "Tabbal_et_al_singletrial_granger"
  4. Figure 6 can be reproduced using the function "Tabbal_et_al_CSD_Group_SpontAnalysis_function_00"
  5. Figure Supplementary can be reproduced using the function "Tabbal_et_al_Control_CSD_group_analysis"


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