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Door Activator

Kiro edited this page Aug 4, 2019 · 2 revisions

1. About

The Door Activator structure allows you to have multiple doors in the same and have them all activate at once. With this, you can create things with multiple simultaneous movements and rotational axis, such as double doors for example.

Check out CreativeMD's preview video on the subject, to get and idea of it's use, by clicking on the thumbnail below:


2. GUI

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  1. Structure Type selector
  2. Hierarchy selector
  3. Children doors
  4. Animation preview
  5. Structure name
  6. Clear Recipe
  7. Save Recipe
  8. Animation preview controls

3. How to use

The Door Activator requires two things: a X number of pre created doors (refered to as children) and at least 1 completely new tile (refered to as parent). To show by example, we are going to create simple double door.

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The structure above contains two Fixed doors that open inwards (one has a 90 degree angle rotation, while the other rotates at -90 degree) and a dark oak plank frame, which will act as the new tile, the parent structure.

To make a double door, first we'll need to simply place both doors in position and add the frame to it. Reminder that it doesn't necesseraly need to be a frame, as any extra tile will work, even if it's single, completely transparent voxel.

Once everything is in position, select the whole thing with the Advanced Recipe and on the dropdown menu, select "Door Activator".

Door Opening

Select both doors. Click the play button will show you the animation, so you can check if it's playing correctly.


Save the recipe and then, voilà! You now have a double door.

Door Opening 2

The Door Activator is not limited to double doors. Use your creativity and you can make cool things!

Folding Door