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Handout Session 2: Task Design & Building the Annotation Vector

Session Summary

In this session, we discussed a series of crowdsourcing tasks, with different methods of collecting the annotations from the workers. Below you can find a list of tasks (with their corresponding crowdsoursing templates):

Closed Tasks: the crowd picks from a set of annotations that is known beforehand

Open-Ended Tasks: the crowd dynamically creates the list of annotations, or the set of annotations is too big to compute beforehand

  • Sparse Multiple Choice: the crowd picks multiple annotation out of a set list of choices that are different across input units
    • e.g.: Event extraction from sentences
  • Open-ended extraction tasks:: the crowd creates different combinations of annotations based on the input unit
  • Free Choice: the crowd inputs all possible annotations for an input unit

Session Excercises

Take either one of the annotation tasks presented, or a task of your choice, and transform the annotation vector, by doing one or several of the following:

  • Redesigning the annotation task by:
    • Changing the type of the input unit (text vs. image vs. video)
    • Changing the way the crowd annotations are collected (radio boxes, checkboxes, free text, other)
  • Adding/removing components of the annotation vector
  • Merging/clustering existing components of the annotation vector

How will these changes affect the annotation vector of your crowdsourcing task? Describe the outcome in terms of the trade-off between the degree of expressivity in crowd annotations and potential for ambiguity and disagreement.

Create slides for a 1 minute presentation summarizing your new crowdsourcing task, annotation vector, and the possible ways for ambiguity to be expressed in it.