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Bitcoin Cash


Name Type Description Notes
locktime int Represents the time at which a particular transaction can be added to the blockchain.
size int Represents the total size of this transaction.
version int Represents transaction version number.
vin List[ListTransactionsByBlockHashRIBSBCVinInner] Represents the transaction inputs.
vout List[ListTransactionsByBlockHashRIBSBCVoutInner] Represents the transaction outputs.


from cryptoapis.models.list_transactions_by_block_hash_ribsbc import ListTransactionsByBlockHashRIBSBC

# TODO update the JSON string below
json = "{}"
# create an instance of ListTransactionsByBlockHashRIBSBC from a JSON string
list_transactions_by_block_hash_ribsbc_instance = ListTransactionsByBlockHashRIBSBC.from_json(json)
# print the JSON string representation of the object
print ListTransactionsByBlockHashRIBSBC.to_json()

# convert the object into a dict
list_transactions_by_block_hash_ribsbc_dict = list_transactions_by_block_hash_ribsbc_instance.to_dict()
# create an instance of ListTransactionsByBlockHashRIBSBC from a dict
list_transactions_by_block_hash_ribsbc_form_dict = list_transactions_by_block_hash_ribsbc.from_dict(list_transactions_by_block_hash_ribsbc_dict)

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