EasyCFG is a Configuration Manager for Laravel 5. It provides an easy way to save Configuration and other Metadata.
With EasyCfg, saving data related to other things, wether it is on your Application, a Class or an Object, becomes a simple task. Some use cases are User Settings and dynamic Application Configuration (e.g. in an Admin Panel), but of course you can use this however you like.
$ composer require cupoftea/easycfg ^1.1
// Global data
Cfg::set('key', 'value');
$value = Cfg::get('key');
// Class data
cfg()->set('key', 'value', MyConfigurableCommand::class);
$value = cfg('key', MyConfigurableCommand::class);
// Object data (Class instance)
// where $myobject = {"id": 1, "property": "value"}
cfg()->set('key', 'value', $myObject);
cfg()->set('foo', 'bar', MyConfigurableClass::class, $myObject->id);
$cfg = cfg()->all($myObject);
// Settings in Blade partials
// app.blade.php
<div class="content @cfg('scheme')-scheme">
// page.blade.php
@cfg('scheme', 'dark')
// Rendered HTML
<div class="content dark-scheme">
- Simple access to Configuration Data via the Facade or Helper function.
- Trait to ease setting data on Models or any other Class.
- Configurable database table.
- @cfg Blade directive.