diff --git a/System/API/Cast.lua b/System/API/Cast.lua index 719e76c6f..2c92c1547 100644 --- a/System/API/Cast.lua +++ b/System/API/Cast.lua @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ br.api.cast = function(self,spell,id) -- @section CastAPIFunctions --- - -- @function br.player.cast.[spell] + -- @function br.player.cast(spell) -- @description Creates a function that can be used to cast a spell based on various parameters. The function name is dynamically generated based on the spell name. -- For example, for a spell named "thisSpell", the function would be `cast.thisSpell()`. -- @tparam string thisUnit The target unit for the spell. Can be standard WoW units, dynamic units, or special parameters like "best", "playerGround", etc. @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ br.api.cast = function(self,spell,id) end --- - -- @function br.player.cast.able.[spell] + -- @function br.player.cast.able(spell) -- @description Checks if a spell can be cast based on various parameters and returns True/False. -- @tparam string thisUnit The target unit for the spell. Can be standard WoW units, dynamic units, or special parameters. -- @tparam string castType Defines the type of AoE or special cast conditions. @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ br.api.cast = function(self,spell,id) end --- - -- @function br.player.cast.active.[spell] + -- @function br.player.cast.active(spell) -- @description Returns if the spell is the one currently being cast. -- @tparam string thisUnit The unit to check if it's casting the spell. Can be standard WoW units or dynamic units. -- @return True/False @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ br.api.cast = function(self,spell,id) end --- - -- @function br.player.cast.auto.[spell] + -- @function br.player.cast.auto(spell) -- @description Checks if the spell is set to auto-repeat or if it's the current spell being cast. -- @return True/False if cast.auto == nil then cast.auto = {} end @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ br.api.cast = function(self,spell,id) end --- - -- @function br.player.cast.cancel.[spell] + -- @function br.player.cast.cancel(spell) -- @description Cancels the current spell being cast if it matches the specified spell. -- @return True/False if cast.cancel == nil then cast.cancel = {} end @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ br.api.cast = function(self,spell,id) end --- - -- @function br.player.cast.cost.[spell] + -- @function br.player.cast.cost(spell) -- @description Returns the cost of the spell. -- @tparam boolean altPower Set to "true" to return alternate power cost. -- @return The cost of the spell. @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ br.api.cast = function(self,spell,id) end --- - -- @function br.player.cast.current.[spell] + -- @function br.player.cast.current(spell) -- @description Returns if the spell is the currently cast spell for the target (Alternate to br.player.cast.active.spell()). -- @tparam string thisUnit Acceptable parameters: nil (defaults to "player"), standard WoW units, or dynamic units. -- @return True/False @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ br.api.cast = function(self,spell,id) end --- - -- @function br.player.cast.dispel.[spell] + -- @function br.player.cast.dispel(spell) -- @description Returns if the spell if capable of dispelling the target. -- @tparam string thisUnit Acceptable parameters: nil (defaults to "target"), standard WoW units, or dynamic units. -- @return True/False @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ br.api.cast = function(self,spell,id) end --- - -- @function br.player.cast.empowered.[spell] + -- @function br.player.cast.empowered(spell) -- @description Returns current empowered rank of the spell or 0 if not empowered. -- @return The current empowered rank of the spell. if cast.empowered == nil then cast.empowered = {} end @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ br.api.cast = function(self,spell,id) end --- - -- @function br.player.cast.inFlight.[spell] + -- @function br.player.cast.inFlight(spell) -- @description Returns if the spell is currently in flight to the target. -- @tparam string thisUnit Acceptable parameters: nil (defaults to "target"), standard WoW units, or dynamic units. -- @return True/False @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ br.api.cast = function(self,spell,id) end --- - -- @function br.player.cast.inFlightRemain.[spell] + -- @function br.player.cast.inFlightRemain(spell) -- @description Returns time remaining on a spell in flight to the target. -- @tparam string thisUnit The target unit to check for the spell in flight. -- @return Time remaining on the spell in flight. @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ br.api.cast = function(self,spell,id) end --- - -- @function br.player.cast.last.[spell] + -- @function br.player.cast.last(spell) -- @description Returns if the spell was the last one cast or not. -- @tparam number index Number of last cast spell up to 10 previous spells, default value is 1 if not provided. -- @return True/False @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ br.api.cast = function(self,spell,id) end --- - -- @function br.player.cast.last.time.[spell] + -- @function br.player.cast.last.time(spell) -- @description Returns the GetTime() value the last cast of this spell occurred. -- @return The last time the spell was cast. if cast.last.time == nil then cast.last.time = {} end @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ br.api.cast = function(self,spell,id) end --- - -- @function br.player.cast.noControl.[spell] + -- @function br.player.cast.noControl(spell) -- @description Returns true if the spell can free you of a "no control" effect. -- @tparam string thisUnit The target unit to check for the "no control" effect. Defaults to "player" if not provided. -- @return True/False @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ br.api.cast = function(self,spell,id) end --- - -- @function br.player.cast.pool.[spell] + -- @function br.player.cast.pool(spell) -- @description Returns true if specified power requirements are not met. -- @tparam boolean altPower Set to "true" to return alternate power cost. Defaults to false if not provided. -- @tparam number specificAmt Set to specified power amount. Defaults to 0 if not provided. @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ br.api.cast = function(self,spell,id) end --- - -- @function br.player.cast.range.[spell] + -- @function br.player.cast.range(spell) -- @description Returns the spell's range, if it has one. -- @return The spell's range. if cast.range == nil then cast.range = {} end @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ br.api.cast = function(self,spell,id) end --- - -- @function br.player.cast.regen.[spell] + -- @function br.player.cast.regen(spell) -- @description Returns the amount of power spell will generate when cast. -- @return The amount of power spell will generate. if cast.regen == nil then cast.regen = {} end @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ br.api.cast = function(self,spell,id) end --- - -- @function br.player.cast.safe.[spell] + -- @function br.player.cast.safe(spell) -- @description Return if safe to cast specified aoe spell on unit given the aoe dimensions. -- @tparam string thisUnit The target unit to check for safety. Defaults to "target" if not provided. -- @tparam string aoeType The type of AoE to check for safety. Can be "rect", "cone", "ground", or "aoe". @@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ br.api.cast = function(self,spell,id) end --- - -- @function br.player.cast.time.[spell] + -- @function br.player.cast.time(spell) -- @description Return cast time of player's spell. If the spell has no cast time, it returns the global cooldown. -- @return The cast time of the spell. if cast.time == nil then cast.time = {} end @@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ br.api.cast = function(self,spell,id) end --- - -- @function br.player.cast.timeSinceLast.[spell] + -- @function br.player.cast.timeSinceLast(spell) -- @description Returns the time since the last cast of this spell occurred. -- @return The time since the last cast of this spell occurred. if cast.timeSinceLast == nil then cast.timeSinceLast = {} end