XBE information generated by Cxbx-Reloaded (Version d5af846 (Jun 23 2020)) Title identified as "NBA2K2" Dumping XBE file header... Magic Number : XBEH Digital Signature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ase Address : 0x00010000 Size of Headers : 0x00000A44 Size of Image : 0x00189400 Size of Image Header : 0x00000178 TimeDate Stamp : 0x3C3B5C5F (Wed Jan 9 00:53:51 2002) Certificate Address : 0x00010178 Number of Sections : 0x0000000E Section Headers Address : 0x00010348 Init Flags : 0x00000004 [Limit Devkit Run Time Memory to 64MB] [Setup Harddisk] Entry Point : 0xA8FD66C1 (Retail: 0x0001316A, Debug: 0x3C78FB8A) TLS Address : 0x000670F0 (PE) Stack Commit : 0x00040000 (PE) Heap Reserve : 0x00100000 (PE) Heap Commit : 0x00001000 (PE) Base Address : 0x00010BA0 (PE) Size of Image : 0x0018A5C0 (PE) Checksum : 0x00000000 (PE) TimeDate Stamp : 0x3C1FA6D4 (Wed Dec 19 00:28:04 2001) Debug Pathname Address : 0x0001075A ("c:\projects\VCSPORTS\vclibrary\XBOX\movie_player.exe") Debug Filename Address : 0x0001077E ("movie_player.exe") Debug Unicode filename Address : 0x00010738 (L"movie_player.exe") Kernel Image Thunk Address : 0x5B6B2976 (Retail: 0x000669C0, Debug: 0xB4DAD824) NonKernel Import Dir Address : 0x00000000 Library Versions : 0x00000006 Library Versions Address : 0x000106D8 Kernel Library Version Address : 0x000106F8 XAPI Library Version Address : 0x000106D8 Logo Bitmap Address : 0x00010790 Logo Bitmap Size : 0x000002B2 Dumping XBE Certificate... Size of Certificate : 0x000001D0 TimeDate Stamp : 0x3C55B672 (Tue Jan 29 00:37:06 2002) Title ID : SE-002 Title ID (Hex) : 0x53450002 Title : L"NBA2K2" Alternate Titles IDs : 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 Allowed Media : 0x00000002 (Media Types: DVD_X2) Game Region : 0x00000001 (NTSC) Game Ratings : 0x00000004 ((E) Everyone) Disk Number : 0x00000000 Version : 1.01 LAN Key : DE03FC4F59F69CDE440FAA8DD7672C6F Signature Key : A2F45FBB08F8E2B33D8595DAA1DD818F Title Alternate Signature Keys : 3B28A82C30D5BBF4080674C78C2BAA8B 7955DB32D854B76D9C954EA98D6763A1 CBFE3E1F08A5CB394238076AD288329E 62FED28BABEC45768533D852184BD125 24A1FC094A56998CC5748AB8AF600308 454FF84D65BC61B1D077E6C75BBE2809 E308C391AB432CA27C6B993C06DD7098 9A43A3FAB8881A3BECBCFEAA694B7E85 4B70D8E33C9CA03758C4D1B91A2607C5 E33E2D34F361CE37C78FC732B722D88A AE44C936CE1034586C15EF8C3E0AB168 29BF8DC656B9CA67B7085C13F9C79E49 22D6C994446A0CA19A85B79122D3A43F 698844D9B1A76B1DD8CCBC8AC4B4EB9B 63F4F329AA138AF2F069E13AFE68B157 82066B83539B5EC893F23E047E6F5FEB Valid xbe signature. Xbe is legit Dumping XBE Section Headers... Section Name : 0x00010670 (".text") Flags : 0x00000016 (Preload) (Executable) (Head Page RO) Virtual Address : 0x00011000 Virtual Size : 0x00033550 Raw Address : 0x00001000 Size of Raw : 0x00033550 Section Name Address : 0x00010670 Section Reference Count : 0x00000000 Head Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x00010658 Tail Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x0001065A Section Digest : 5E725A4DF9CA4850608901589DBD595AFC336169 SHA hash check of section .text successful Section Name : 0x00010676 ("D3D") Flags : 0x00000007 (Writable) (Preload) (Executable) Virtual Address : 0x00044560 Virtual Size : 0x0000F8DC Raw Address : 0x00035000 Size of Raw : 0x0000C61C Section Name Address : 0x00010676 Section Reference Count : 0x00000000 Head Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x0001065A Tail Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x0001065C Section Digest : E059F284327A03B25E034BB81F0F37FA5934297B SHA hash check of section D3D successful Section Name : 0x0001067A ("DSOUND") Flags : 0x00000007 (Writable) (Preload) (Executable) Virtual Address : 0x00053E40 Virtual Size : 0x00006F74 Raw Address : 0x00042000 Size of Raw : 0x00006D9C Section Name Address : 0x0001067A Section Reference Count : 0x00000000 Head Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x0001065C Tail Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x0001065E Section Digest : DC865BFF9EDE053B572D3955D4FCF70610B08B1D SHA hash check of section DSOUND successful Section Name : 0x00010681 ("PSGSFD00") Flags : 0x00000006 (Preload) (Executable) Virtual Address : 0x0005ADC0 Virtual Size : 0x00003300 Raw Address : 0x00049000 Size of Raw : 0x00003300 Section Name Address : 0x00010681 Section Reference Count : 0x00000000 Head Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x0001065E Tail Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x00010660 Section Digest : E212890A6E867A22DE007793FBC3036358CADAE2 SHA hash check of section PSGSFD00 successful Section Name : 0x0001068A ("PSGSFD_I") Flags : 0x00000006 (Preload) (Executable) Virtual Address : 0x0005E0C0 Virtual Size : 0x000001F0 Raw Address : 0x0004D000 Size of Raw : 0x000001F0 Section Name Address : 0x0001068A Section Reference Count : 0x00000000 Head Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x00010660 Tail Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x00010660 Section Digest : BD5C8E4DAD65929B55C1A4EA70C394A82A276DFA SHA hash check of section PSGSFD_I successful Section Name : 0x00010693 ("PSGSFD_B") Flags : 0x00000006 (Preload) (Executable) Virtual Address : 0x0005E2C0 Virtual Size : 0x000006C0 Raw Address : 0x0004E000 Size of Raw : 0x000006C0 Section Name Address : 0x00010693 Section Reference Count : 0x00000000 Head Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x00010660 Tail Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x00010660 Section Digest : 2060B39E4B3F0E4DA59D0CB4B3AF20EA48F2C704 SHA hash check of section PSGSFD_B successful Section Name : 0x0001069C ("PSGSFD_P") Flags : 0x00000006 (Preload) (Executable) Virtual Address : 0x0005E980 Virtual Size : 0x00000430 Raw Address : 0x0004F000 Size of Raw : 0x00000430 Section Name Address : 0x0001069C Section Reference Count : 0x00000000 Head Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x00010660 Tail Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x00010660 Section Digest : 1DB6E5180923D155988D49F14D9844BE99E76817 SHA hash check of section PSGSFD_P successful Section Name : 0x000106A5 ("D3DX") Flags : 0x00000007 (Writable) (Preload) (Executable) Virtual Address : 0x0005EDC0 Virtual Size : 0x00002480 Raw Address : 0x00050000 Size of Raw : 0x00002478 Section Name Address : 0x000106A5 Section Reference Count : 0x00000000 Head Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x00010660 Tail Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x00010662 Section Digest : 3F58CAB1E2B5550A5A5EDB87E0A33BD2E953A076 SHA hash check of section D3DX successful Section Name : 0x000106AA ("XPP") Flags : 0x00000007 (Writable) (Preload) (Executable) Virtual Address : 0x00061240 Virtual Size : 0x00005764 Raw Address : 0x00053000 Size of Raw : 0x00005764 Section Name Address : 0x000106AA Section Reference Count : 0x00000000 Head Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x00010662 Tail Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x00010664 Section Digest : 637B6750B340AED8495BA444F1AF2A5EE5753384 SHA hash check of section XPP successful Section Name : 0x000106AE (".rdata") Flags : 0x00000006 (Preload) (Executable) Virtual Address : 0x000669C0 Virtual Size : 0x00003E60 Raw Address : 0x00059000 Size of Raw : 0x00003E58 Section Name Address : 0x000106AE Section Reference Count : 0x00000000 Head Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x00010664 Tail Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x00010666 Section Digest : 7FA36F23480C78C762D1A52F2891DC806F86E59A SHA hash check of section .rdata successful Section Name : 0x000106B5 (".data") Flags : 0x00000007 (Writable) (Preload) (Executable) Virtual Address : 0x0006A820 Virtual Size : 0x0012462C Raw Address : 0x0005D000 Size of Raw : 0x0000B5AC Section Name Address : 0x000106B5 Section Reference Count : 0x00000000 Head Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x00010666 Tail Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x00010668 Section Digest : D6714CF3039AAA4FFE74CBFCB745F0D68EE689AF SHA hash check of section .data successful Section Name : 0x000106BB ("DOLBY") Flags : 0x00000026 (Preload) (Executable) (Tail Page RO) Virtual Address : 0x0018EE60 Virtual Size : 0x00006D98 Raw Address : 0x00069000 Size of Raw : 0x00006D84 Section Name Address : 0x000106BB Section Reference Count : 0x00000000 Head Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x00010668 Tail Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x0001066A Section Digest : 894AC381F58A8B0BDD38AE650C0047941BAE2364 SHA hash check of section DOLBY successful Section Name : 0x000106C1 ("$$XTIMAGE") Flags : 0x00000038 (Inserted File) (Head Page RO) (Tail Page RO) Virtual Address : 0x00195C00 Virtual Size : 0x00002800 Raw Address : 0x00070000 Size of Raw : 0x00002800 Section Name Address : 0x000106C1 Section Reference Count : 0x00000000 Head Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x0001066A Tail Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x0001066C Section Digest : 53F49323C32EB7EB412E60F4C788416E2DD55495 SHA hash check of section $$XTIMAGE successful Section Name : 0x000106CB ("$$XSIMAGE") Flags : 0x00000038 (Inserted File) (Head Page RO) (Tail Page RO) Virtual Address : 0x00198400 Virtual Size : 0x00001000 Raw Address : 0x00073000 Size of Raw : 0x00001000 Section Name Address : 0x000106CB Section Reference Count : 0x00000000 Head Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x0001066C Tail Shared Reference Count Addr : 0x0001066E Section Digest : 4B330F5C5E474B9BDB49DD784A09EA52544D7AE2 SHA hash check of section $$XSIMAGE successful Dumping XBE Library Versions... Library Name : XAPILIB Version : 1.0.4039 Flags : 0x4001 QFEVersion : 0x0001, Retail, Approved Library Name : D3D8 Version : 1.0.4039 Flags : 0x4002 QFEVersion : 0x0002, Retail, Approved Library Name : XBOXKRNL Version : 1.0.4039 Flags : 0x4001 QFEVersion : 0x0001, Retail, Approved Library Name : LIBC Version : 1.0.4039 Flags : 0x4001 QFEVersion : 0x0001, Retail, Approved Library Name : D3DX8 Version : 1.0.4039 Flags : 0x4001 QFEVersion : 0x0001, Retail, Approved Library Name : XGRAPHC Version : 1.0.4039 Flags : 0x4001 QFEVersion : 0x0001, Retail, Approved Dumping XBE TLS... Data Start Address : 0x00000000 Data End Address : 0x00000000 TLS Index Address : 0x00075FB8 TLS Callback Address : 0x00000000 Size of Zero Fill : 0x0000000C Characteristics : 0x00000000