This repository contains the implementation of SAVIOR on an aerial and ground vehicle. Each folder contains the specific files needed for each vehicle. On the aerial vehicles, the main controller is PX4 while on the ground vehicle the main controller is ROS Kinetic Kame.
Clone the current version of the project:
git clone
Obtain all the submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Become a member of the group dialout:
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
Download the script "" from the following link and run it (
chmod +x
Since once of the dependencies requires Python version 3.5 or above, make sure you use a version of Python that satisfies this requirement.
Install pip3 if your distribution did not come with it:
sudo apt install python3-pip
Then, proceed to install the dependencies:
sudo apt-get install python3-jinja2
sudo apt-get install python3-empy
sudo pip3 install catkin_pkg
sudo pip3 install numpy toml (make sure you are running python 3.5 or above)
sudo pip3 install pyyaml
In order to compile for Intel Aero, we need to download and install the compiler for ARM Cortex processors. The compiler can be found here:
Detailed instructions are also found in:
Simply run the make on the Firmware folder:
The make command will by default build the code for the px4_sitl_default configuration.
Run the following command:
make intel_aerofc-v1_default
The make command will build the code for the Intel Aero platform.
This work was partially supported by National Science Foundation (NSF) Awards 1834215, 1834216, 1929410, 1931573 and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under award number FA9550-17-1-0135.