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Jørgen G. Nielsen edited this page Apr 6, 2020 · 3 revisions

Open Find Order

General description

The OpenFindOrder service is a web-based service that retrieves order objects (orders) from DBC’s order database. In the order database, orders are sorted into 3 groups:

  • End-user orders to the library
  • Inter-library orders from the library to other libraries
  • Inter Inter-library orders to the library from other libraries

The web service provides operations which can search either, in all of these or with different restrictions, for example, open or closed orders, orders to the entire library’s library system, or to the individual departments, etc.


  • findAllOrders : all orders regardless of type
  • findAllIllOrders : all inter-library orders
  • findAllNonIllOrders : all end-user orders
  • findAllOpenEndUserOrders : all open end-user orders
  • findOpenIllOrders : all open (i.e. have not yet received an answer from the responder) inter-library orders
  • findOrdersFromUnknownUser : all orders where checking of the borrower was not conducted/implemented
  • findAutomatedOrders : all end-user orders which were carried out as automatic inter-library orders
  • findNonAutomatedOrders : all end-user orders which were not carried out as automatic inter-library orders
  • findManuallyFinishedIllOrders : all inter-library orders with the status 'finished'
  • findSpecificOrder : a specific order from the order database
  • findOrdersFromUser : an order based on user information
  • findLocalizedEndUserOrders : end-user orders for materials within the library's holdings
  • findNonLocalizedEndUserOrders : end-user orders for materials not in the library's holdings
  • findOrdersWithAutoForwardReason : find non-automated orders based on a lack of automation
  • findOrderOfType: special article delivery orders
  • bibliographicSearch : orders based on bibliographic data in the order
  • getOrderStatus: gives the status of the order in the order database (answered, closed, shipped, modification timestamp, etc.)

Web Service

Access and authorisation

Test-access allows for the possibility to test the web service against a copy of “the real" ordering infrastructure. For further information, please contact DBC.

Access to the user service requires authentication using the Netpunkt gateway:

    <ofo:groupIdAut>[library number]</ofo:groupIdAut>
    <ofo:passwordAut>[netpunkt password]</ofo:passwordAut>

In addition, the Open Find Order Web Service checks that the library which is logging in to use the service is authorised to receive the orders searched for. This means specifically that the library which is logging in must be specified as either requester or responder, in the requests for the service.

Test examples

Refer to the example client.

License Terms

Use of the web service requires subscription of a DanBib license (Netpunkt access code).

For the operations answer, shipped and update order, the service also checks that the Netpunkt library which is logging in has access to updating the orders, as either requester-ID or responder-ID

The web service is published under the GPLv3 License.