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OpenHoldingStatus Web Service

Noah Torp-Smith edited this page Mar 3, 2020 · 2 revisions

Open Holding Status

General Description

Open Holding Status is a web service that provides information about the availability of library materials:

  • Which libraries own a given material
  • What is the current status of the material in the local system


  • localization: searches for the material in the Open Search data well’s holdings register: which libraries own the material? Has the library registered any usage restrictions (codes in marc field 096*r)?
  • holdings: the status of the material in the individual library. Answers can only be retrieved from libraries that support holdings lookup via z3950 or ISO 20775.
  • detailedHoldings: a newer version of holdings, with expanded details for journal-holdings.

Web Service

Access to the user service requires authentication using the Netpunkt gateway:

        <ns1:groupIdAut>[library number]</ns1:groupIdAut>
        <ns1:passwordAut>[netpunkt password]</ns1:passwordAut>

License Terms

Use of the web service requires a subscription of a DanBib license (Netpunkt access code). The web service is published under the GPLv3 license.