DMDirc 0.6.3m1 - milestone release
- Added disconnect item to server menu
- Add quick snap handles to split panes
- Merged nickname and alternate nickname fields in profile manager dialog
- Paste dialog no longer sends trailing empty lines
- Alias command now ignores extra slashes (so mIRC-style /alias syntax works)
- Alias command now intelligently tab completes
- UnsatisfiedLinkErrors are no longer reported to developers
- /help now works globally not just in servers
- The send feedback dialog can now include information from the about dialog
- Layout fixes for the actions editor dialog
- Unknown URL protocol dialog now includes substitutions
- Lag display plugin now has popup showing information
- Addon browser plugin (unreleased) can now install action packs
- Uninstaller now detects if DMDirc is running on Vista
- Change RMI port to a non-standard (less common) one, and decrease attempts made
- Windows nowplaying plugin now has improved support for streaming in iTunes
- FreeBSD 6 and 7 installer can now download and install a Java runtime environment
- Fix typographical error in launcher
- OS X now uses the same launcher as Linux
- Preferences dialog look and feel revamp
- Media sources can now show themselves as “stopped”
- Linux installer no longer copies java binary to DMDirc directory
- Installer correctly closes progress window on Solaris
- If multiple actions in a group define the same setting it no longer shows up twice
- Better handling of lag display plugin's alternate ping setting
- Formats are now passed correctly when calling SERVER_NUMERIC actions (so output can be silenced)
- Frame managers are now specified as class names instead of hardcoded
- Revised nowplaying media sources to have one getState method instead of multiple methods covering all possible states
- Fixed problem with command validation icon
- NewServer dialog is no longer resizable
- Nowplaying plugin's preferences page now includes substitutions
- Some initial work on smilie support
- Better support for SOCKS proxies (including authentication)
- IRC Parser can now send client SSL certificates
- DMDirc can now load client SSL certificates and pass them to the IRC parser
- Added action call when a string is stylised
- Added a custom runner for UI unit tests to prevent false failures
- The OK button in the actions editor dialog is now disabled when there are illegal conditions
- Plugins from incompatible versions no longer stop the preferences dialog from opening
- IRC Parser behaviour when receiving a WHO reply for the local client has been improved
- Colour picker is now enabled by default
- Fixed problems when the user has multiple copies of the same plugin
- Fixed the OK button becoming enabled in the actions editor dialog when illegal settings are present
- IRC Parser now reports IO exceptions properly
- The censored words list on Chatspike is now detected properly by the IRC parser
- The linux installer has been repurposed for use on any unix platform
- Using a relative path with the -d (directory) option no longer breaks
- Fixed superfluous errors when receiving errors from IRC Parsers that are no longer in use
- Improved handling of server state and enforce transition restrictions
- Exceptions raised in swing worker threads are now logged correctly
- Anti-aliasing is now enabled by default
- Added WINDOW_TITLE action component
- Changed format of missing mode aliases error reports
- IRC Parser no longer requests list modes e and I on Charybdis without ops
- Fixed typographical error in uninstaller
- Fixed typographical error in “duplicate plugin” error message
- The IRC parser no longer lowercases the user's ident for no explicable reason
- Fixed exception when trying to talk in channels on disconnected sertvers
- Fixed exception when specifying action condition trees with excessively large numbers
- Fixed exception when adding ignore list entries with invalid syntax
- Support for channel notices
- The actions editor dialog is now modal with respect to the actions manager dialog
- Substitutions are now shown in the alias manager dialog
- Multi-line pastes now take the cursor position into account
- Fix some concurrency problems when saving identities
- Improve the way new identities are created
- The IRC parser now calls onConnectError and onSocketClosed more consistently
- Fixed exception when creating an alias with no conditions
- Migrated from SVN to Git
- Remove SVN
$id$ text from lots of files - Moved IRC parser package to make room for other protocols in the future
- The UI now fires actions for function key presses and normal keys with modifiers
- Include more detailed error information when getNetwork is called inappropriately
- Only rejoin channels when general.rejoinchannels is true (as opposed to if it existed at all)
- Fix concurrency problems when creating/closing DCC plugin windows
- Fixed exception when entering long lines into windows belonging to a disconnected server
- Disable default behaviour of F8 and F10 keys (moving split panes and opening menus)
- Scrolling in the colour picker now adjusts the saturation slider
- Text labels now use the correct system font
- Fix focus-stealing issue with On Screen Display plugin's dialog
- Fix general focus-stealing issues
- Look and feel changes can now be performed without a restart
- Bundle JUnit 3.8 and 4.1 instead of requiring developers to have it installed locally
- Upgrade Swing UI to use MiG 3.7
- Anti-alias setting now prompts for a client restart
- Add MDI bar
- The nowplaying plugin now defers loading of MediaSourceManagers so they can provide sources dynamically
- The client's nickname in actions is now linked correctly
- Improved behaviour of ctrl+c (copy) when find bar is open
- Preferences manager now loads its content in the background
- Text can no longer be sent twice by quick repetitions of the enter key
- Linux launcher no longer checks /usr/local/jdk1.6.0/jre/bin/java before the PATH
- Windows media sources now only work on Windows
- Line length calculations now use bytes not characters (fixes issue sending multi-byte/unicode chars)
- Core plugins now use plugin.config instead of older
- Plugins can now specify that they provide or require services
- Rename various plugins to not include “plugin” at the end of their name
- Add detection for euIRCd
- The IRC parser no longer includes callback names in error messages (which caused lots of duplicate issues)
- Plugins no longer have to specify minimum versions
- The user interfaces are now plugins instead of as part of the client itself
- Plugins can now declare themselves as “sub plugins” of another plugin
- Added 'services' option to debug command to show plugin services
- Added detection for SwitftIRC, and handling of +q and +a lists
- Loading plugins by any means will now add them to the autoload list
- Nick changes before 001 messages are no longer incorrectly shown as auth notices
- The build process now only builds plugins that don't exist or whose source has been modified
- Fix inconsistent fonts in the about dialog license and informations panels
- Plugins can now export and consume methods
- Add oftc to detected ircds
- Fixed exception when setting away when not connected
- An error dialog is now shown if no UI can be loaded in a non-headless environment
- The error manager no longer submits an infinite number of errors if it fails to connect the first few times
- Empty lines are no longer sent in any pasted content
- Various commands now require the relevant server to be connected
- Preferences manager now passes dismiss events onto external categories
- Added 'serverstate' and 'threads' options to debug command
- Fixed exception when using SERVER_NICKNAME when nicknames aren't noticed yet
- Error messages are now more useful when updates fail
- Added support for validating and displaying SSL certificates
- Fixed issue with autoloading plugins in subdirectories
- Fix tab completion problems with plugins in subdirectories
- Fix bug where parting channels sends two PART commands sometimes
- Abstract command manager to enable one object to handle multiple commands
- Preferences dialog now sets nicklist sort options correctly
- No longer require JUnit 3 for unit tests
- The position of channel splitpanes is now remembered automatically
- Added action for client closing
- Preferences dialog now sets browser launch delay option correctly
- Commands now handle excess whitespace more appropriately
- Abstract method errors are no longer reported by the error reporter
- Added ability to change font in channel windows
- Fatal error dialog can now manually send errors if auto send is disabled
- Plugin default settings can now be specified in their config files
- Added ability to change textpane font size
- Add Mockito library for unit testing
- Improved mode handling on WeIRCd
- Update channel is now configuration based instead of hard coded
- The 'actions defaults' identity is now called 'addon defaults'
- Added interface and components to Swing UI to enable statusbar components to show popups
- Validation of the length of /me commands is now correct (was off by 2 previously)
- The percentage shown in the updater dialog now has a fixed precision
- Config files are now always loaded as UTF-8
- Error reports are now queued properly
- Broken plugins can no longer prevent the client from starting
- Added option to prevent tab completers from completing empty strings
- Fixed concurrency issue related to sending pings in IRC Parser
- Plugins can now specify their formatter and icon settings in their configs
- Added method for plugins to specify their own custom default settings
- Moved tab completion styles to addons
- The client now auto-extracts necessary plugins (tab completers, UIs, etc)
- Fix client hanging when updating default settings in some circumstances
- Added information popup when hovering over error icon in status bar
- Added information popup when hovering over invite icon in status bar
- Lag display plugin now remembers ping history and can plot a graph
- Improve list mode handling on Hyperion
- Fixed issue with first lines not appearing properly in query windows
- Improved tab completion of unloadplugin command to only suggest loaded plugins
- Identities now escape illegal characters sanely
- Errors downloading updates are no longer considered application errors
- The frequency of pings is now configurable
- Plugins are now versioned according to their git commit reference
- Closing windows now switches focus to the correct window instead of skipping one
- Formatters can now specify the last argument in a line to be included
- The “alter the event's formatter” dropdown in the actions editor dialog is now sorted sanely
- The client now offers to automatically restart after applying updates that require it
- JRE download on windows no longer uses wget.
- Windows installer UI no longer requires lazarus
- Launchers will relaunch the client if it exits with code 42
- Fixed Windows updater not showing success/failure dialog on windows XP
- Fix windows uninstaller sometimes now showing dialogs
- Fix deadlock on shutdown
- Deleting an error in the error list dialog no longer removes selection
- AMD Conditions that wrap shouln't be cut off anymore
- Nicknames in Profile manager are now reorderable
- Ident server plugin will unload itself if it gets a “permission denied” error when trying to listen
- Fixed client clear the list of updates inappropriately.
- Fixed Updater forgetting restart needed status sometimes
- Fixed aliases dialog not expanding when opening substitutions panel
- Fixes Restart dialog having no title
- Better synchronise access to childWindows in WindowManager
- Profile manager no longer allows profiles with no nicknames
- Fixes reloading identities causing the nicklist selection to break
- Enter in expanding settings adds setting rather than closing dialog
- All dialogs now close with ctrl+enter not enter
- The DCC plugin now shows transfers as failed if they fail.
- Fix DCC plugin failing to parse turbo dcc sends properly sometimes.
- Fix typo in DCC plugin
- Allow enter to close NSD
- Fix DCC windows not maximising properly.
- Relax semaphoring in pingTimerTask to fix deadlocks
- Remove duplicate ui.stylelinks pref in prefs pane
- Added Setting to enable background downloading of updates
- Fixed loading of icons in prefs dialog hanging the UI
- Fixed showing the wrong application name on OS X
- Prefs dialog tab list now scrolls vertically if required
- Fixed windows being maximised on select if automaximise was true
- Fixed Keyboard not being usable to okay the “do you want to paste multiple lines” dialog box
- Fixed title flickering when changing window on windows
- Fixed restart needed dialog being resizable/maximisable
- Fixed unloading non-persistent plugins requiring restart
- Fixed Topic changes dont alter application window caption when window is maximised
- Fixed Logging history window starts a whole-screen above the text
- Fix Searching being broken
- Fixed Running with -v causing fatal error
- Fixed Reconnecting fails sometimes
- Plugin icons now load under XP in prefs pane
- Fix some deadlocks when firing setting change listeners.
- Fix some deadlocks when firing server_connected actions
- Fix some wording in uninstaller dialog, search query dialog and OSD Settings
- Alias editor dialog no longer allows spaces in alias names
- GetServersByNetwork no longer fails with disconnected servers
- Removed tooltip from invite label.
- Restoring/maximising title changes don't happen on Windows until switching windows
- Closing all windows doesn't reset titlebar
- Auto submitting errors works again
- General category no longer has double border in prefs dialog
- server menu items now disable on disconnect
- Window menu items are now disabled when the last server close
- Fixes some Parser Callback bugs
- OSD Plugin and systray plugin now define a common export “showNotification”
- Descriptions now appear in AMD
- Include status history in invalid parser errors.
- Parser doesn't try to send any lines if the socket is not open.