DISCONTINUED: This project has been discontinued and will not receive any future updates or bug fixes.
DNS Statistics Presenter (DSP) is a tool used for exploring statistics from busy DNS servers collected by DNS Statistics Collector (DSC). This is the Perl library that is used to extract and graph DSC data.
DNS Statistics Collector can be found here:
DNS Statistics Presenter can be found here:
More information about DSP/DSC may be found here:
Issues should be reported here:
Following dependencies are needed, example for Debian/Ubuntu.
sudo apt-get install libcgi-untaint-perl libfile-nfslock-perl libhash-merge-perl libmath-calc-units-perl libtext-template-perl libxml-simple-perl libswitch-perl libnet-dns-perl
Or you can install them all using cpanm
cpanm --quiet --installdeps --notest .
The Perl module IP::Country
is needed also which may not exist as a package
for some distributions, you could install it manually.
cpanm --quiet --notest IP::Country
Ploticus is used to create the graphs, install it via the distributions packages or manually. Example for Debian/Ubuntu.
sudo apt-get install ploticus
Now you can install.
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install