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DRPG Scripts

PROPHESSOR edited this page Nov 3, 2018 · 1 revision

s.a(IIIII)Z = executeScriptCommand


	 1: Change Location
		arg1: Orientation (bits 23-20) (N: - S: - E: - W: 8)
		      Location Y,X on coarse grid (bits 15-0)

	 2: Change Level 
		arg1: Flags, level
		      Completed current level (bit 31)
		      unknown (bits 30-8)
		      Level filename (local string index, bits 7-0)
	 3: Run Event Script
		arg1: Event location Y,X (bits 15-0)

	 4: Show Status Bar Message
		arg1: Message (string index, bits 15-8)

	 5: Damage player and show 'Pain!' message ~~Not Used~~
                arg1: Damage amount (bits 15-8)

	 6: Not Used

	 7: Show Thing 
		arg1: Thing state (bits 15-8) (state 0: normal, state 2: dead)
		      Thing id (bits 7-0)

	 8: Show Message
		arg1: Message (string index, bits 15-8)
	 9: Get Map Data

	10: Enter Passcode (Halt on failure)
		arg1: Prompt (string index, bits 15-8)

	11: Set Event Variable
		arg1: Value (bits 31-16)
		      Event Variable to Modify (bits 15-0, coarse grid Location)

	12: Lock Door
		arg1: Door (line segment index)

	13: Unlock Door
		arg1: Door (line segment index)

	14: Not Used

	15: Open Door
		arg1: Door line segment index

	16: Close Door
		arg1: Door line segment index

	17: Not Used

	18: Hide Things at Location
		arg1: coarse grid Location (bits 15-0)

	19: Increment Event Variable (maximum is 9 (???))
		arg1: event variable (bits 15-0)
		      (increases by 2x after zero: 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, etc.)

	20: Decrement Event Variable (minimum is 0 (???))
		arg1: event variable (bits 15-0)
		      (increases by 2x after zero: 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, etc.)

	21: Increase Status Item Count
		arg1: Amount to gain (bits 11-8)
		      Status item (bits 7-0) health: 0, armor: 1, credits: 2

	22: Decrease Status Item Count
	    arg1: Amount to lose (bits 11-8)
	          Status item (bits 7-0) health: 0, armor: 1, credits: 2

	23: Show Message and Halt IF Status Item Count is less than Amount
		arg1: Message string index (bits 31-16)
		      Amount (bits 15-8)
		      Status item (bits 7-0) health: 0, armor: 1, credits: 2

	24: Show Status Bar Message
		arg1: Message (string index, bits 15-8)

	25: Explosion
		arg1: type? (bits 31-24), location on coarse grid (bits 23-0)

	26: Show Message (there's some difference from #8)
		arg1: Message (string index, bits 15-8)

	27: Change Level Parameters (called before command 2) 
		arg1: unknown (bits 31-24)
		      Start Level At coarse grid Location Y,X (bits 23-8)
		      unknown (bits 7-0)
	28: Freezes player for 1 turn.

	29: Shake Effect
		arg1: Intensity (bits 31-24), duration in ms (bits 23-0)
	30: Set Floor Color
		arg2: Color BGR888 (bits 23-0)
	31: Set Ceiling Color
		arg1: Color BGR888 (bits 23-0)

	32: Give/Take All Collected Weapons
		arg1: 0 - Take, 1 - Give

	33: Open Store
		arg1: store id (0, 1, 2, or 3)
	34: Set State of Thing at coarse grid Location (used only to kill humans)
		arg1: State (Bits 23-16) (state 2: dead)
		      unknown (bits 15-10)
		      Human coarse grid location Y (bits 9-5)
		      Human coarse grid location X (bits 4-0)
	35: Particle Effect
		arg1: effect (bits 31-24)
		      color BGR888 (bits 23-0)
		      (Effects: 0x20 blood spurt, 0x23 teleport/transformation)

	36: Draw Frame

	37: Wait
		arg1: time to wait in ms (bits 23-0)

	38: Unknown. Used Only Once (in reactor.bsp in the "gate lift" script) Related to the portal?

	39: Show message IF [some level] not complete
		arg1: Level id (bits 31-24) from bsp header
		      Message (string index, bits 15-8)

	40: Add Notebook Entry
		arg1: Note (string index, bits 15-8)
	41: Halt IF missing keycard
		arg1: Keycard id (bits 1-0)
		(Green: 0, Yellow: 1, Blue: 2, Red: 3)