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DSpace 5.7

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@tdonohue tdonohue released this 13 Jul 19:23

⚠️ Support for DSpace 5 will be ending on January 1, 2023.  See Support for DSpace 5 and 6 is ending in 2023

The DSpace 5.7 bug-fix / security fix release. This release provides security and bug fixes to the 5.x platform. For more information see:

DSpace 5.7 provides security fixes to the XMLUI, JSPUI and REST API. We highly recommend ALL users of DSpace 5.x upgrade to 5.7 or above

For a list of all specific fixes, also refer to:

Documentation is available at

NOTE: If you plan to customize or modify DSpace, we recommend downloading the Source Release (-src-release.*). The smaller Release (-release.*) downloads only include the precompiled binaries.