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What is this repository for?

  • lightblue is a Japanese CCG parser with DTS representations
  • Current version:
  • Copyright owner: Daisuke Bekki

Installing lightblue

Prerequisite 1: Haskell Stack

In Linux:

$ wget -qO- | sh

In Mac:

$ brew install haskell-stack

See https://docs/ for details.

Prerequisite 2: JUMAN++

The followint tools must be installed before executing lightblue.

JUMAN (a User-Extensible Morphological Analyzer for Japanese) (>= version 7.0)

Download lightblue

Do the following in the directory under which you'd like to install lightblue.

$ git clone --depth=1

This operation will create, under the current directory, a new directory lightblue. Henceforth we will refer to the full path to this directory as <lightblue>.

Configuration and Installation

You need to add the environment variable LIGHTBLUE and set its value as <lightblue>. You may add the line export LIGHTBLUE=<lightblue> to .bashrc, .bash.profile, .bash_profile, or whatever configuration file for your shell. Then move to <lightblue> and do the following:

$ cd <lightblue>
$ stack build

How to run

Set the permission of the shell scripts lightblue to executable.

$ chmod 755 lightblue

To parse a Japanese sentence and get a text|HTML|TeX|XML representation, execute:

$ echo 太郎がパンを食べた。 | ./lightblue parse -s {text|html|tex|xml}

With -n|--nbest option, lightblue will show the N-best parse results.

With --time option, lightblue will show the execution time for parsing.

lightblue can be used as a part-of-speech tagger when the -o postag option is specified:

$ echo 太郎がパンを食べた。 | ./lightblue parse -o postag

The following command shows the list of lexical items prepared for pasing the given sentence:

$ echo 太郎がパンを食べた。| ./lightblue parse -o numeration

If you have a text file (one sentence per line) <corpusfile>, then you can feed it to lightblue by:

$ ./lightblue demo -f <corpusfile>

To parse a JSeM file and execute inferences therein, then you can feed it to lightblue by:

$ ./lightblue infer -i jsem -f <jsemfile>

To check the inference relations <premise_1>, ..., <premise_n> |- <hypothesis>, simply execute:

$ ./lightblue infer -f <filename>

where <filename> is the path of a text file, consisting of premises and a hypothesis with one sentence per each line:


Check also:

$ lightblue --help
$ lightblue --version
$ lightblue --stat

For developpers

Installing Haskell-mode for Emacs will help.

$ sudo apt install haskell-mode

The following command creates an HTML document at: <lightblue>/haddock/doc/html/lightblue/index.html

$ stack build --haddock
