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File metadata and controls

139 lines (95 loc) · 2.72 KB

JSON Endpoints

Dance serves as JSON API for both GET and POST requests. For GET requests, Julia Dicts and DataFrames are converted on the go to JSON Dicts and Lists. For POST requests reverse conversion occurs.

1 - GET Endpoint

For API GET endpoints, covering both Dict and DataFrame output cases, routes.jl can be similar to below:

import DataFrames

using Dance.Router

function get_df(headers::Dict{String, String}) :: DataFrames.DataFrame
    return DataFrames.DataFrame(A = 1:4, B = ["A", "B", "C", "D"])

function get_dict(headers::Dict{String, String}) :: Dict{Symbol, Int64}
    return Dict(:a => 123)

route("/dict", get_dict; method=GET)
route("/dataframe", get_df; method=GET)

Note that method=GET had to be specified, as default is POST.

JSON output for both routes, will become:


2 - POST Endpoint

For API POST endpoints, covering both Dict and DataFrame output cases, routes.jl can be similar to below:

import DataFrames

using Dance.Router

function post_df(df::DataFrames.DataFrame, headers::Dict{String, String}) :: DataFrames.DataFrame
    return df

function post_dict(dict::Dict, headers::Dict{String, String}) :: Dict{String, Any}
    return dict

route("/dict", post_dict)
route("/dataframe", post_df)

Above examples will output same data as received.

For following JSON inputs:


Data converted to Julia will be:

4×2 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ A     │ B      │
│     │ Int64 │ String │
│ 11     │ A      │
│ 22     │ B      │
│ 33     │ C      │
│ 44     │ D      │
Dict{String,Any}("a" => 123)

3 - Pre-defined HTTP Status Codes

Additionally to facilitate API development, a few standard HTTP response types can easily be integrated.

By importing JSONRenderer, a return such as:

using Dance.Router
import Dance.JSONRenderer

function post_dict(dict::Dict, headers::Dict{String, String}) :: Dict{Symbol, String}
    return Dict(:error => JSONRenderer.HTTP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED)

route("/dict", post_dict)

is possible.

This will automatically set HTTP status code to 401.

Currently, possibilities are:


CAREFUL when creating the function return dicts, as :error key is reserved for this use case