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NeatlineTime (plugin for Omeka)

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The NeatlineTime plugin, by the Scholars' Lab at the University of Virginia Library, allows you to create timelines for the Omeka publishing platform. It uses the SIMILE Timeline plugin or the Knightlab timeline.

This plugin is upgradable to Omeka S via the plugin Upgrade to Omeka S, that installs the module Timeline for Omeka S.


  1. Upload the 'NeatlineTime' plugin directory to your Omeka installation's 'plugins' directory. See Installing a Plugin.

  2. Activate the plugin from the Admin → Settings → Plugins page.

  3. Configure the plugin to choose which fields you want the plugin to use on the timeline by default.

    • Item Title: The field you would like displayed for the item's title in its information bubble. The default is DC:Title
    • Item Description: The field you would like displayed for the item's description in its information bubble. The default is DC:Description.
    • Item Date: The field you would like to use for item dates on the timeline. The default is DC:Date.
    • Render Year: Date entered as a single number, like "1066", can be skipped, plotted as a single event or marked as a full year.
    • Center Date: The date that is displayed by the viewer when loaded. It can be any date with the format (YYYY-MM-DD). An empty string means now, a "0000-00-00" the earliest date and "9999-99-99" the latest date.

All these parameters can be customized for each timeline.

Note: If Omeka is https, if external assets are used, and if the Simile library is used, the library will not load on recent browsers, because the online library contains an url with unsecure http. In that case, you need to set the option "Use Internal library for Simile".


Once installed, NeatlineTime will add a tab to the Omeka admin panel. From here, you can browse existing timelines, and add, edit, and delete timelines.

Uninstalling the plugin will only remove timelines added to your Omeka archive, not any items displayed on those timelines.

Add a Timeline

Creating a timeline is a two-step process:

  1. From the admin → NeatlineTime page, click the "Add New Timeline" button to begin creating a timeline.

Browse Timelines

  1. Give your timeline a title and description, and choose whether you wish to make the timeline public and featured. Save your changes.

Add a Timeline Form

  1. To choose which items appear on your timeline, click the "Edit Query" link beside your existing timeline.

Edit Query Link

  1. This will take you to a form similar to Omeka's advanced search form. From here, you can perform a search for any items in your archive, and if those items contain a valid date in their Dublin Core:Date field, they will be displayed on the timeline.

Edit Query

  1. With a query defined, the matching items will be rendered on the timeline:


Dates for Items

NeatlineTime will attempt to convert the value for a date string into an ISO-8601 date format. Some example date values you can use:

  • January 1, 2012
  • 2012-01-01
  • 1 Jan 2012
  • 2012-12-15

To denote spans of time, separate the start and end date with a '/':

  • January 1, 2012/February 1, 2012

NeatlineTime handles dates with years shorter than 4 digits. For these you'll need to pad the years with enough zeros to make them have four digits. For example, 476 should be written 0476.

Also, you can enter in years before common era by putting a negative sign before the year. If the date has less than four digits, you'll also need to add extra zeros.

So here are some more examples of dates.

  • 0200-01-01
  • 0002-01-01
  • -0002-01-01
  • -2013-01-01

When a date is a single number, like "1066", a parameter in the config page allows to choose its rendering:

  • skip the record (default)
  • 1st January
  • 1st July
  • full year (range period)

This parameter applies with a range of dates too, for example "1939/1945".

In all cases, it's recommended to follow the standard ISO 8601 as much as possible and to be as specific as possible.

Parameters of the viewer

Some parameters of the viewer may be customized for each timeline. Currently, only the CenterDate and the bandInfos are managed for the Simile timeline. The default is automatically included when the field is empty.

            width: "80%",
            intervalUnit: Timeline.DateTime.MONTH,
            intervalPixels: 100,
            zoomIndex: 10,
            zoomSteps: new Array(
                {pixelsPerInterval: 280, unit: Timeline.DateTime.HOUR},
                {pixelsPerInterval: 140, unit: Timeline.DateTime.HOUR},
                {pixelsPerInterval: 70, unit: Timeline.DateTime.HOUR},
                {pixelsPerInterval: 35, unit: Timeline.DateTime.HOUR},
                {pixelsPerInterval: 400, unit: Timeline.DateTime.DAY},
                {pixelsPerInterval: 200, unit: Timeline.DateTime.DAY},
                {pixelsPerInterval: 100, unit: Timeline.DateTime.DAY},
                {pixelsPerInterval: 50, unit: Timeline.DateTime.DAY},
                {pixelsPerInterval: 400, unit: Timeline.DateTime.MONTH},
                {pixelsPerInterval: 200, unit: Timeline.DateTime.MONTH},
                {pixelsPerInterval: 100, unit: Timeline.DateTime.MONTH} // DEFAULT zoomIndex
            overview: true,
            width: "20%",
            intervalUnit: Timeline.DateTime.YEAR,
            intervalPixels: 200

Browsing timelines

You can browse existing timelines by clicking on the "Browse Timelines" from your public theme, or the "NeatlineTime" tab in the admin panel.

Viewing specific timelines

You can always see your timeline by click the title of the timeline in the admin. The URL for your timelines will be 'neatline-time/timelines/show/[id]', where [id] is the ID number for your timeline.

Public Show

Modifying theme templates for Neatline Time

Neatline Time contains theme templates that control how its various pages are displayed in your public theme. As with other Omeka plugins, you can override these using the instructions on the Theming Plugin Pages codex page.

The template files available in NeatlineTime include:

  • timelines/browse.php - The template for browsing existing timelines.
  • timelines/show.php - The template for showing a specific timeline.

Modifying the viewer

The template file used to load the timeline is views/shared/javascripts/neatline-time-script.js.

You can copy it in your themes/my_theme/javascripts folder to customize it. The same for the default css. See the main wiki, an example of use with Neatline, and the examples of customization on the wiki.

Contributing to the Project


We rely on the Github issues tracker for feedback on issues and improvements.

Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it, and make sure all the tests pass. This is important so we don't unknowingly break your changes in a future release. If you're fixing a bug, it helps us to verify that your bug does in fact exist. Both NeatlineTime and Omeka use PHPUnit to ensure the quality of the software.
  • Commit your changes to your own fork.
  • Send us a pull request, with a clear explanation of the changes. Bonus points for topic branches.


Use it at your own risk.

It’s always recommended to backup your files and your databases and to check your archives regularly so you can roll back if needed.


See online issues on the plugin issues page on GitHub.


This plugin is published under Apache licence v2. See LICENSE for more information.



  • Martin Liebeskind (German)
  • Gillian Price (Spanish)
  • Oguljan Reyimbaeva (Russian)
  • Katina Rogers (French)



  • Copyright (c) 2010–2012 The Board and Visitors of the University of Virginia.
  • Copyright Daniel Berthereau, 2016-2018


No packages published


  • JavaScript 83.4%
  • PHP 12.8%
  • CSS 3.2%
  • Other 0.6%