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Learning Deep Neural Network Policies with Continuous Memory States

Algorithmic Contribution

Not totally clear on this, but it seems like they're trying to avoid backpropagation? They don't use LSTMs or GRUs. They must do backpropagation to train the neural network policy, but this might be distinct from the memory states, I think.

Experimental Results

One takeaway is to figure out the best way to encode partial observability to make the problem solvable but also interesting.

Thoughts and Takeaways

I was interested in reading this paper because it's about partial observability and RNNs in reinforcement learning. This paper was in ICRA 2016 but it's really almost a pure Deep RL paper (which might not yet be expected at ICRA). I think it also uses pure simulation, which might be interesting as well.

I also need to learn Guided Policy Search. I know it splits up the policy search into alternating stages:

  • Trajectory Optimization: produces training data for supervised learning.
  • Supervised Learning: train a nonlinear (aka neural net) policy.

But how does it really work? I need intuition!!

The main contribution of this paper, now that I have read it, is an extension of the previous well-known GPS paper so that it can train policies with memory.