A dataset ('data/out/precinct_cbgs_all_2020.csv.gz') with estimates of Census Block Group level 2020 presidential election results, and the underlying data and code that generated it.
Derived from the dataset compiled by the New York Times and the Census Block Group shapefiles from the Census Bureau. All non-voting variables are defined and named as in those shapefiles. All voting variables are defined and named as in the NYT geojson. For a description of the matching algorithm, see Van Dijcke and Wright (2021). Credit to Maria Milosh for coding help.
Download the raw data that goes in the /data/
folder here.
Please cite: Park, Alice, Charlie Smart, Rumsey Taylor, and Miles Watkins. "An Extremely Detailed Map of the 2020 Election." The New York Times. February 02, 2021. Accessed February 04, 2021. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/upshot/2020-election-map.html. Van Dijcke, David and Wright, Austin L., Profiling Insurrection: Characterizing Collective Action Using Mobile Device Data (January 31, 2021). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3776854
variable name | description |
statefp |
State FIPS code |
countyfp |
County FIPS code |
tractce |
Tract FIPS code |
blkgrpce |
Block Group FIPS code |
geoid |
Full 12-digit FIPS code |
intptlat |
Current latitude of the internal point |
intptlon |
Current longitude of the internal point |
votes_total |
total votes in the precinct, including for third-party candidates and write-ins |
votes_rep |
votes received by Donald Trump |
votes_dem |
votes received by Joseph Biden |
, AR
, CA
, CO
, DE
, DC
, FL
, GA
, HI
, ID
, IA
, IL
, ID
, KS
, LA
, MD
, MA
, MI
, MN
, MS
, NV
, NM
, NY
, NC
, ND
, OH
, OK
, OR
, PA
, SC
, SD
, TN
, TX
, UT
, VA
, WA
, WV
, WI
, WY
~ .