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Represent microplates using HTML/SVG and JavaScript.

The easiest way to use labwarejs in your project is to grab the labware.min.js file

See labwarejs in action here.


My goal at the outset was to keep dependencies at a minimum. At present, labwarejs only requires jQuery. In the future, this may change as I expand the baked-in capabilities of the library. For example, I've thought of leveraging d3's color scales to indicate the volume in a microplate well or the number of reads in a flowcell lane. Handlebars or lodash templates would also be a big help.

What's Inside


A Microplate has wells in rows and columns. These wells can have a square, rounded square, or circle shape.

A Microplate can also have annotations--row and column labels. To enable annotations, pass annotation: true when instantiating a Microplate, and make sure your padding value is at least 20.

By default, a new Microplate will have 96 circular wells.

You can pass any number of optional attributes to a Microplate instance:

attributes { 'id': 'myplate' }



By default, microplate coordinates are specified using letters for rows and numbers for columns. This can be changed by specifying letter or number for the rowIterator or colIterator property at instantiation.


You can set the plate margin, padding, and wellGap values at instantiation.

Styling microplates

Microplates are styled as black with white wells by default. You can style a microplate using CSS and svg properties.

Volume tracking

The Well prototype contains methods for volume tracking. The maxVolume property of the well instance must be set. From there the addVol and removeVol methods can add and subtract volume from the wells down to zero and up to the maxVolume value. There are also empty and full boolean properties.


If you want to attach event handlers to a component to make it interactive, the following component-class associations may be helpful:

Each Well element has a well class.

The Microplate rectangle has a plate class.

Annotation text elements have an annotation class.


Create a new microplate

var plate = new Microplate();

Create a new microplate with annotations and rounded square wells

var plate = new Microplate({
    padding: 30,
    annotations: true,
    wellShape: 'rounded'

Create a 24-well microplate with circular wells and labels

var plate = new Microplate({
    annotations: true,
    wellShape: 'circle',
    rows: 4,
    columns: 6

Create a microplate with a special ID and style it garishly

var funkyPlate = new Microplate({
    padding: 30,
    annotations: true,
    wellShape: 'square',
    attributes: {
        'id': 'funky'

Then in your CSS you can do something like:

#funky text.annotation{
    fill: pink;

#funky .plate{
    fill: purple;

#funky .well{
    fill: yellow;
    stroke: white;


A Flowcell prototype models Illumina flowcells and has one or more Lane instances.


Styling flowcells

Flowcells are styled as black with white lanes by default. You can style a flowcell using CSS and svg properties. See the examples for more detail.

Cluster tracking

The Lane prototype can track the number of clusters. If the clusters property value exceeds the Lane's maxClusters property value, the overClustered property will return true. Similarly, you can see the cluster density as a percentage via the percentFull property.


Illumina flowcells are subdivided into surfaces, swathes, and tiles. There's currently no visual representation of these concepts, but you can store integer values for the properties and get the total tiles via the totalTiles property of the Lane prototype.


If you want to attach event handlers to a component to make it interactive, the following component-class associations may be helpful:

Each Flowcell element has a flowcell class.

Each Lane element has a lane class.


Create a new flowcell with labeled lanes

var flowcell = new Flowcell({
	lanes: 8,
	padding: 20,
	annotations: true


Represent microplates using HTML/SVG and JavaScript.







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