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Releases: Denis5161/CodableValue

DocC support

03 Apr 10:41
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This release adds DocC support using the Swift Package Index to host the documentation.

Small bugfix

04 Jul 13:41
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Just a small change that fixes a bug where tvOS and watchOS weren't properly supported.


04 Jul 07:31
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CodableValue now utilizes NSSecureCoding! This gets rid of jpeg and compression quality on images though. So it is up to the API user to compress an image the way they want it to be saved.

Minor improvements

01 Jun 18:26
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Add small improvements to code quality inside NSImage & UIImage and m…

…inor change to code comments.

Simpler API

22 May 10:10
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This enables the encoding and decoding of images (UIImages & NSImages) using CodableValue initializers! Choose when you prefer a jpeg or png.

Small bug fixes.

27 Apr 21:03
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Small bug fixes, where a static property was declared as 'let' and small typo.

Add macOS compatibility

22 Apr 21:32
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Add macOS compatibility. Small refactor to UIKit extensions.

Add Hashable conformance to CodableValue.

22 Apr 09:23
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Add Hashable conformance when the wrapped value also conforms to Hash…


Add new UIImage encoding.

22 Apr 08:58
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You can now decide how a UIImage encodes its given image.

Update error messages. Add feature to UIImage encoding

22 Apr 08:13
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You can now decide how UIImage encodes a given image.