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The best form API provider for Nukkit Cloudburst.

What's FormAPI?

FormAPI is an API that provides you everything that you need to enhance your plugins with the forms system implemented on Nukkit.


Download the latest JAR:

Dependency for maven:



  • Put the FormAPI.jar inside of /plugins.

In case you don't want to put it inside of plugins just execute this line of code inside of your plugin to run the EventListener:

import com.denzelcode.form.FormAPI;



Create form and send it to the client:

package com.denzelcode.test;

import cn.nukkit.Player;
import cn.nukkit.command.Command;
import cn.nukkit.command.CommandSender;
import com.denzelcode.form.FormAPI;

public class TestCommand extends Command {
    public TestCommand() {

    public boolean execute(CommandSender sender, String label, String[] args) {
        FormAPI.customWindowForm("login", "Custom Form")
                .addInput("username", "Username", "Enter your username")
                .addInput("password", "Password", "Enter your password")
                .addHandler((e) -> System.out.println('Variable e is an instance of CustomFormSubmitEvent'))
                .sendTo((Player) sender);

        return true;

Event listener:

package com.denzelcode.test;

import cn.nukkit.Player;
import cn.nukkit.event.EventHandler;
import cn.nukkit.event.EventPriority;
import cn.nukkit.event.Listener;
import com.denzelcode.form.FormAPI;
import com.denzelcode.form.element.Button;
import com.denzelcode.form.element.Input;
import com.denzelcode.form.event.CustomFormSubmitEvent;
import com.denzelcode.form.event.ModalFormSubmitEvent;
import com.denzelcode.form.event.SimpleFormButtonClickEvent;
import com.denzelcode.form.window.CustomWindowForm;
import com.denzelcode.form.window.ModalWindowForm;
import com.denzelcode.form.window.SimpleWindowForm;

public class EventListener implements Listener {

    @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
    public void onLoginFormSubmit(CustomFormSubmitEvent event) {
        CustomWindowForm form = event.getForm();
        Player player = event.getPlayer();

        if (!event.isFormValid("login")) return;

        Input username = form.getElement("username");
        Input password = form.getElement("password");

        player.sendMessage("Player: " + player.getName());
        player.sendMessage("Form: " + form.getName());
        player.sendMessage("Username: " + username.getValue());
        player.sendMessage("Password: " + password.getValue());

                "Do you want to remember your account in this device?",

    @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
    public void onRememberFormSubmit(ModalFormSubmitEvent event) {
        ModalWindowForm form = event.getForm();
        Player player = event.getPlayer();

        if (!event.isFormValid("login_remember")) return;

        boolean accepted = event.isAccepted();

        player.sendMessage("Player: " + player.getName());
        player.sendMessage("Form: " + form.getName());
        player.sendMessage("Accepted: " + (accepted ? "Yes" : "No"));

        FormAPI.simpleWindowForm("minigames", "Minigames", "Select a minigame which you want to play!")
                .addButton("skywars", "SkyWars")
                .addButton("luckyislands", "LuckyIslands")

    @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
    public void onMinigameFormSubmit(SimpleFormButtonClickEvent event) {
        SimpleWindowForm form = event.getForm();
        Player player = event.getPlayer();
        Button button = event.getButton();

        if (!event.isFormValid("minigames")) return;

        player.sendMessage("Player: " + player.getName());
        player.sendMessage("Form: " + form.getName());
        player.sendMessage("Clicked button: " + button.getName());

        player.sendMessage("Successfully joined Minigame: " + button.getText() + "!");
  • Run command /test and you will have this showed in-game: Screenshot

Form Types

Modal Example

import com.denzelcode.form.FormAPI;

FormAPI.modalWindowForm("modal", "Custom Form", "This is a content", "Accept", "Decline")
    .addHandler((e) -> System.out.println('Variable e is an instance of ModalFormSubmitEvent'))

Simple Example

import com.denzelcode.form.FormAPI;

FormAPI.simpleWindowForm("simple", "Simple Form", "This is a content")
    .addButton("name", "This is a button")
    .addButton("name1", "Hi, im a button", "")//ImageType is default URL in this case
    .addButton("name2", "This is other button", ImageType.PATH, "textures/ui/feedIcon.png")
    .addHandler((e) -> System.out.println('Variable e is an instance of SimpleFormButtonClickEvent'))

Custom Example

import com.denzelcode.form.FormAPI;

List<String> optionsDropdown = new ArrayList<String>(){{
    add("Option 1");
    add("Option 2");

FormAPI.customWindowForm("custom", "Custom Form")
    .addInput("name", "Fill the input", "Hello, im the input")
    .addDropdown("name1", "text", optionsDropdown)
    .addLabel("name2", "This a label")
    .addSlider("name3", "This is a slider", 1f, 10f)
    .addToggle("name4", "This is a toggle", false)
    .addHandler((e) -> System.out.println('Variable e is an instance of CustomFormSubmitEvent'))

Licensing information

This project is licensed under LGPL-3.0. Please see the LICENSE file for details.
